Driftsnow’s Successor

Driftsnow's Successor . . .

Perched upon the avian beast, the assembly of young geniuses fixated their gaze upon the awe-inspiring Cloudheaven Arena. Duan Hong couldn't contain his curiosity and asked, "How will we know if we've successfully passed the Cloud Prefecture's selection? Are there specific rules?"

"The rules are straightforward. Do you see the luminous halos surrounding the experts on the battle platforms?" The immortal guiding their avian transport directed their attention toward the arena. In response, their eyes homed in on the radiant battle halos enveloping the combatants. Some were feeble, while others gleamed with formidable intensity. It was clear that the strength of an individual's combat abilities dictated the brightness of their battle halo.

"Once you step onto the platform, your battle halo will manifest. Victors can absorb the battle qi halos of their defeated opponents, thereby enhancing their own. These halos can range from a mere one meter in diameter to a staggering one thousand meters or more." The immortal elucidated. "This selection test spans eighty-one days, and once it concludes, those with the most potent battle halos will be chosen."

"Is it a free-for-all, regardless of cultivation level?" Inquired a participant, concerned that lower-level cultivators might be at a disadvantage.

"Not exactly. Lower-level cultivators are permitted to challenge higher-level opponents at any time without restrictions. If they win, they not only absorb their opponent's battle qi halo but also receive a boost from the Cloudheaven Arena itself. However, higher-level cultivators cannot initiate challenges against those of lower levels." The immortal's explanation continued. "Among the countless silhouettes below, apart from the immortals observing, anyone can become your opponent. Furthermore, more participants will continue to pour in. Succeeding in this test won't be easy. Best of luck to you all."

"Mhm," the group nodded before descending. The clamor of the crowd beneath sounded like a colossal tidal wave enveloping the heavens. The spectators were aflame with emotion as they watched the Cloudheaven Arena's fierce battles.

Walking together, Qin Wentian and his three companions engaged in conversation. Mu Yan chuckled, "The rules of this selection are quite straightforward: the strong plunder from the weak. We must continuously defeat our opponents to accumulate enough battle qi to bolster our halos. But one defeat wipes everything away, and we start from scratch. It's a battle where victory is the only option."

"Indeed, the moment you lose, the pressure becomes overwhelming," Qin Wentian affirmed. Defeated contenders had no recourse but to extract battle qi from formidable opponents to rekindle their fading halos. However, those with radiant halos were already indications of exceptional combat prowess—plundering from them would be no easy feat.

"Fortunately, the likelihood of us being defeated by same-level opponents is nearly nonexistent," Jun Mengchen asserted, his eyes brimming with confidence. His words, exuding an air of arrogance, only reinforced the impression of self-assuredness conveyed by his handsome visage. To them, hailing from the Heavenly Talisman Realm, few at the same level could best them. Unless their rivals were similarly prodigious talents.

"This fellow's even more arrogant than Changfeng," one bystander quipped, casting a sidelong glance at Jun Mengchen. The Cloud Prefecture had assembled an abundance of geniuses, and Yi Changfeng himself was undoubtedly among the top 1,000. Yet even he didn't dare claim immunity from same-level adversaries. In this vast selection, the Cloud Prefecture boasted countless geniuses, and strength begot strength. As the saying goes, there's always a taller mountain, a higher sky. It was impossible to discern the full extent of one's opponents without firsthand experience.

"Oh, Mu Yan, that immortal earlier mentioned the selection test will span eighty-one days. Do you know how many days have passed?" Qin Wentian inquired.

Mu Yan responded, "Today marks the eighth day, so we can consider ourselves among the earlier arrivals. Those who come later will have no choice but to challenge competitors with stronger battle halos. It might be a faster route, but the difficulty is significantly higher."

As they conversed, they reached the bustling public square. Countless experts, as numerous as the clouds, surrounded them. They were a mix of immortal experts who came to spectate and participants like themselves.

"For those who arrive too late, they might not even get a chance," remarked an elderly immortal with a chuckle. Qin Wentian and his companions turned their attention to him and asked, "Senior, what do you mean?"

"Don't you know that the battle qi halos enhance your strength? The stronger your battle halos, the more formidable your combat abilities become. If you possess a 10,000-meter battle qi halo, your strength increases tenfold. In the end, those who haven't accumulated enough battle qi, how can they hope to defeat someone like you?" The old immortal shared his wisdom, prompting Qin Wentian and his friends to express their gratitude. His words made them realize the significance of their battle halos.

"No need to thank me. From your demeanor, I can tell you're disciples of a major sect. Weren't your seniors or elders accompanying you? Look at the chosen ones from the major powers—so many immortals are here with them. Naturally, their sects want them to succeed and qualify for the Eastern Sage Immortal Sect in the Eastern Prefecture." The elderly immortal smiled. Qin Wentian scanned the surroundings and indeed noticed numerous immortals accompanying the young talents from their sects.

Nearby, Yi Changfeng and Duan Hong had already moved away upon arrival, heading toward the experts from their respective sects.

"It's common for young people to aspire to great heights. But the path ahead is fraught with challenges. Meeting the esteemed Eastern Sage Immortal Emperor and becoming his disciple isn't something ordinary folks can achieve easily. The desire to join him? It's a formidable challenge," the elderly immortal sighed. Unbeknownst to him, a spark of defiance gleamed in Jun Mengchen's eyes. His participation in this selection was a mission from the Heavenly Talisman Realm, and his true goal wasn't to become the Eastern Sage Immortal Emperor's disciple but to decline the offer publicly.

To him, this was a test and a chance to measure himself against the other geniuses of the Eastern Sage Thirteen Prefectures.

For Qin Wentian, this selection held another layer of significance. He eagerly anticipated the moment he would stand before the Eastern Sage Immortal Emperor and openly reject him.

"Senior, precisely because the path ahead is challenging, life becomes more remarkable," Jun Mengchen said with a sunny smile.

"Yes, you are absolutely right. It's rare to find such a disposition in someone so young. Good luck, and I look forward to your performances," the elderly immortal replied.

"Senior, trust us. You won't be disappointed," Jun Mengchen assured. With that, they turned their attention to the battle platforms suspended in the air, ready to embark on their challenging journey.

"Haha, I can hardly contain my excitement," chuckled the old immortal. His eyes scanned the surroundings, where disciples from the major powers of the Cloud Prefecture stood. How could these formidable talents be easily bested? It would be quite the journey for those four young individuals to ascend to the pinnacle.

In the airspace above the Prefecture Palace, an assembly of experts had convened. At the center of this gathering was none other than the Prefecture Lord himself, the Idlecloud Immortal King.

The Idlecloud Immortal King ruled over the Cloud Prefecture and possessed extraordinary combat prowess. Seated upon a throne prepared for him, he was surrounded by other experts from the Prefecture Lord Palace.

On a tier below them, prominent figures from the major powers of the Cloud Prefecture had also taken their seats. These individuals held esteemed positions within the region. Those with designated seats were all immortal king figures, the leaders of their respective sects or clans.

"Big brother Mu Yun is truly remarkable. At the seventh level of Celestial Phenomenon, he has few rivals. His battle qi halo has already reached an impressive 100 meters!" Beside the Idlecloud Immortal King, a young woman in her twenties gazed at a young man on the Cloudheaven Arena with deep admiration.

"Haha, Mu Yun is certainly outstanding. I believe he'll accumulate a battle halo of at least 10,000 meters. What I'm hoping for, however, is something even greater. Rather than a mere 10,000-meter halo, I wish to see him change the luster of his battle halo," chuckled the Idlecloud Immortal King. It was clear he held high expectations for Mu Yun.

"Young Master Mu Yun's prowess is unmatched. There's no doubt he can defeat opponents by jumping levels. Achieving a violet-gold battle halo should be within his grasp," added the Immortal King from the Battle Heavens Immortal Manor.

"Zhou Zhan, you need not be modest. Disciples from your Battle Heavens Immortal Manor excel in combat. This time, I see many of your disciples participating, and I believe they will be the primary contenders for plundering battle qi from the halos of others," the Idlecloud Immortal King responded with a smile.

As an Immortal King of the Battle Heavens Immortal Manor, Zhou Zhan's strength was beyond question, and his status within the Cloud Prefecture was exceptional.

"My lord, observe the battle platform. Zhou Teng, a third-level Celestial Phenomenon ascendant, is none other than the son of the Battle Immortal King, Zhou Zhan. His battle qi halo has grown to several hundred meters," someone nearby reported, eliciting a smile from the Idlecloud Immortal King. "I've heard of nephew Zhou Teng's talents for some time. Quite impressive. Several other third-level ascendants are clearly avoiding challenging him."

"Haha, the major powers seem to have reached a tacit agreement. Each time a peak-level genius from one of them emerges, the others don't rush to challenge right away. They prefer to wait until the deadline of eighty-one days approaches before contending with each other," someone else remarked with a laugh.

In the midst of the Cloudheaven Arena's electrifying battles, a sudden turn of events captured the attention of all present. The Idlecloud Immortal King, a formidable figure overseeing the Cloud Prefecture, had his gaze fixed upon an empty battle platform, his voice echoing with authority.

"We have one ascendant who has willingly withdrawn. Are there any more among you esteemed geniuses willing to step forward and fill this vacancy?" The Idlecloud Immortal King's words carried the weight of expectation.

Close by, an immortal king representing the influential Suppression Immortal Sect, a peak-tier power within the Cloud Prefecture, spoke in a measured tone. "Wu Yang, it's your time." His words were an implicit command. Wu Yang, a burly figure towering over the average person, exuded an aura of formidable strength. With a fourth-level Celestial Phenomenon cultivation, he took flight and positioned himself on the now-vacant battle platform, the anticipation in the air palpable.

"Wu Yang of the Suppression Immortal Sect!" he bellowed, his voice resounding through the arena, his challenge a thunderous call to action.

The announcement sent ripples through the crowd. Many participants who had been poised to step onto the platform hesitated, reconsidering their choice.

Laughter erupted among the major immortal king characters observing the spectacle. "Haha, a disciple of the Suppression Immortal Sect dares to issue a challenge, yet it seems none are willing to accept."

However, a sudden twist in the unfolding drama drew their attention. A figure, dressed in pristine white, gracefully ascended to the contested platform, his presence casting an air of intrigue over the proceedings.

"Remarkable, someone has dared to accept the challenge," murmured onlookers, their eyes fixed on the enigmatic newcomer.

"He's courting death," sneered the immortal king from the Suppression Immortal Sect, dismissing the white-robed youth's chances. But his arrogance quickly dissolved as he noticed a collective gasp of astonishment sweep through the audience. A profound shift in atmosphere was undeniable, as the eyes of many luminaries in the crowd gleamed with newfound interest.

The voice of a confident observer broke the hushed silence, identifying the white-robed youth. "The successor of Driftsnow Master, Qin Wentian!" The words, though not thunderous, carried a resonance that penetrated the ears of every soul present. In an instant, the arena was plunged into profound silence, the weight of this revelation sinking in, capturing the hearts and minds of all.