Boiling with Anger Once Again

Boiling with Anger Once Again . . .

As the remnants of the shattered battle formation crumbled like a house of cards, the experts from the Qin Sect descended upon the scattered members of the Eastern Sage Immortal Sect like a pack of hungry tigers among docile sheep. The leader of the now-disintegrated formation found himself retreating into the midst of his comrades, his face drained of color as his gaze fixed upon the colossal figure before him—Qin Wentian.

Qin Wentian, the same man who had led his forces to shatter their once-impenetrable battle formation. Over three hundred elite geniuses from the Eastern Sage Immortal Sect had rallied here with a singular intent: to hunt him down. But now, it seemed as though destiny had taken an unforeseen turn. Could it be that their grandiose mission would end in this very place—with their lives forfeit?

The feud between the two factions had long surpassed mere rivalry; it had evolved into a blood feud of irreconcilable hatred. Qin Wentian showed no mercy in this battle, every thrust of his spear spelling certain doom for an unfortunate soul.

A sharp "chi..." rent the air, heralding the emergence of a brilliant beam of immortal light. The leader of the Eastern Sage Immortal Sect's formation had made his fateful decision, one born of desperation and the grim realization that only the deployment of an immortal-ranked weapon might shift the balance in their favor. Witnessing this, the other experts hesitated no more. They, too, drew forth their immortal weapons, for it was now a matter of life and death.

Qin Wentian hurled his long spear with unmatched speed, sending it hurtling toward the first expert to brandish an immortal weapon. The spear bore an overwhelming, supreme killing intent. The expert's face contorted in terror, and with barely a moment to think, he used his own immortal weapon to shield himself. A deafening crash echoed, reverberating with a suffocating pressure. Yet, another long spear erupted forth, glowing with immortal radiance. This was the immortal-ranked weapon Qin Wentian had meticulously forged for himself.

The spear's length elongated by a staggering 100 meters, cleaving through the fabric of reality and impaling the unfortunate expert in mid-air. A surge of dreadful energy radiated outward. In the blink of an eye, the expert activated his immortal sense, and his authoritative voice thundered with anger.

"VILE CREATURE, YOU DARE TO COURT DEATH!" The voice was a thunderous roar, but even as the words left his mouth, a tribulation fire descended from the heavens and consumed him entirely. His immortal sense was extinguished, returning to the void, and all that remained was a faint, dissipated shadow, which bellowed in frustration.

This astonishing spectacle sent shockwaves through the hearts of all who witnessed it. The experts from the Eastern Sage Immortal Sect wavered, unsure whether they should escalate this conflict into an all-out war of immortal weapons.

"Anyone who dares to draw an immortal weapon will be the first target of our collective assault!" Qin Wentian declared with icy resolve, brandishing yet another immortal weapon. The experts from the Qin Sect swiftly followed suit, their weapons gleaming with immortal light. The moment an Eastern Sage Immortal Sect member unveiled an immortal weapon, a storm of arrows would descend upon them. Each Qin Sect member would unleash a barrage of attacks, sealing the fate of anyone who dared to unsheathe their immortal weapon.

No matter the path they chose, it had become evident that the Eastern Sage Immortal Sect had been cornered.

From the moment they ventured into the City of Ancient Emperors with the intent to hunt down Qin Wentian, their fate had been sealed—a fate characterized by impending death.

"FLEE, EVERYONE! SCATTER IN ALL DIRECTIONS AND FIGHT FOR YOUR LIVES!" a voice from within the Eastern Sage Immortal Sect's ranks cried out. It was their last resort. They had no choice but to scatter, fleeing in every conceivable direction, praying to luck for a slender thread of salvation amid the encroaching shadows of doom.

The spectators, perched in their aerial vantage points, watched with a sense of finality as the Eastern Sage Immortal Sect's morale plummeted to depths beyond recovery. It was akin to witnessing the crumbling of a colossal mountain—once unwavering, now disintegrating under the weight of despair. In a battle where thousands of experts clashed, maintaining high morale was paramount. The Eastern Sage Immortal Sect had lost that vital spark, and as a result, their struggle for survival became a futile endeavor. They had transformed from formidable foes to helpless prey, trapped and vulnerable.

A voice suddenly thundered, interrupting the grim proceedings. "Hua Taixu, your master, the Myriad Incarnations Immortal King, resides within the Eastern Sage Thirteen Prefecture. He holds the Eastern Sage Immortal Emperor in high regard. How dare you unleash such violence upon our members?" The voice trembled with fury and indignation.

Hua Taixu, standing resolutely alongside the Qin Sect, met the accusations with a calm demeanor. "In the City of Ancient Emperors, we align ourselves with the factions we choose to join. I, Hua Taixu, have pledged my loyalty to the Qin Sect, and I will stand by their side. Moreover, when your sect previously encircled the Qin Sect, none of you displayed any mercy. Why, then, do you now seek to drag our masters into this conflict?" His words were measured and deliberate. "This matter concerns me alone. While I may fight under the banner of the Qin Sect, I have never taken the life of a member of your Eastern Sage Immortal Sect."

In the immortal realms, even when junior disciples engaged in life-and-death struggles, their elders from the senior generations rarely intervened. For instance, if a disciple of an immortal king were to clash with a member of the Eastern Sage Immortal Sect and, in the heat of battle, slay that disciple, it was exceedingly unlikely that the Eastern Sage Immortal Emperor would retaliate against the immortal king. Such a scenario was virtually implausible unless the individual killed held a special, revered status, such as being a descendant of an immortal emperor or a deeply favored personal disciple.

Admittedly, this time was somewhat different. The Eastern Sage Immortal Emperor had dispatched over three hundred elite geniuses to the City of Ancient Emperors with a singular mission: to hunt down Qin Wentian. Hua Taixu's decision to align himself with Qin Wentian would undoubtedly draw the ire of the Eastern Sage Immortal Emperor toward Hua Taixu's master, the Myriad Incarnations Immortal King. However, Hua Taixu remained unfazed by the potential consequences. His master resided in the Eastern Sage Thirteen Prefectures but held no true allegiance to the Eastern Sage Immortal Emperor. Should any conflict arise, her course of action would likely involve relocating, rather than submitting to the immortal emperor's authority.

"Hua Taixu, you would be wise to steer clear of the Eastern Sage Thirteen Prefectures henceforth. Our Eastern Sage Immortal Sect will never forgive you," a disciple from the Eastern Sage Immortal Sect warned, his tone dripping with icy resentment.

Qin Wentian redirected his gaze toward this exchange. The small teams of nine no longer posed a significant threat, having been swiftly vanquished by Jun Mengchen and his companions. Victory appeared to be within grasp, with only one battle formation left intact—Nanfeng Yunxi and Little Rascal valiantly holding their ground.

"Qing'er, let's go support Nanfeng and Little Rascal," Qin Wentian proposed, to which Qing'er nodded in agreement, repositioning herself at his side.

"Brothers, we entrust this area to your capable hands," Qin Wentian declared, as he and Qing'er prepared to join the fray elsewhere.

"Don't fret, my favorite pastime is thoroughly dealing with already vanquished foes," a voice chimed in, laced with dark amusement.

"Using sheer numbers to bully the weaker ones. Are all these so-called geniuses from the City of Ancient Emperors equally shameless?" A wave of exasperation surged through the experts of the Eastern Sage Immortal Sect as they desperately fought for their lives. Encircled from all sides, they were akin to trapped prey, besieged in a merciless cage.

The response from the Qin Sect members was laughter, hearty and unrestrained. "We must applaud the Eastern Sage Immortal Sect for their audacity. To address us like this? Before, more than three hundred of your ilk tried to gang up on our hundred-strong Qin Sect. What was that, if not a prime example of shamelessness? How much thicker can your skin get? But fear not; we shall graciously grant you the opportunity to experience the sensation of defeat amidst overwhelming odds."

"Why, the Eastern Sage Immortal Sect is positively overflowing with humor today! The Eastern Sage Immortal Emperor has indeed nurtured a troupe of jesters!" Sarcasm dripped from the lips of the Qin Sect members, who now held an indisputable upper hand in the conflict. They were so at ease that humor became their weapon of choice.

As this banter unfolded, Qin Wentian and Qing'er steadily advanced toward the remaining ancient cauldron battle formation. With a thunderous thrust, Qin Wentian's spear cleaved through the air once more. Witnessing the arrival of reinforcements, Nanfeng Yunxi and Little Rascal redoubled their efforts, unleashing a torrent of even more ferocious attacks. The rest of the Qin Sect's experts enthusiastically joined the fray, unleashing a barrage of assaults to shatter the battle formation.

Meanwhile, at the ancient cauldron battle formation, panic engulfed the experts from the Eastern Sage Immortal Sect. Encircled by the densely packed Qin Sect members, their fighting spirit had crumbled to nothing.

Though they had previously appeared formidable, the bitter truth was that they were now little more than lambs led to the slaughter. Cold smiles danced on the lips of the Qin Sect members—an expression of impending judgment, ready to harvest every last life.

"WHAT CAN WE DO?!" At last, one of them broke down, bellowing uncontrollably. No one could maintain composure when death loomed so menacingly close, slowly eroding their hearts with fear.

—BOOM!— A resounding shockwave reverberated through the battle formation, causing it to crack.

"Let's surrender!" someone shrieked in desperation.

"QIN WENTIAN!" A voice from within the beleaguered formation called out. "We request a temporary ceasefire. There's something we need to discuss."

The members of the Qin Sect turned their eyes toward Qin Wentian, only to find his countenance as cold as ice. "Continue breaking their battle formation. Let none of them escape."

A ceasefire? In their current predicament, that request sounded like a cruel jest.

The Eastern Sage Immortal Sect was teetering on the brink of annihilation, and yet, they now sought a ceasefire?

"ARGH!" A cry of anguish pierced the air as Qin Wentian's relentless onslaught inflicted further damage upon the experts trapped within the ancient cauldron formation. The destructive force surged through the formation.

"We are willing to surrender and vacate the City of Ancient Emperors immediately!"

The Eastern Sage Immortal Sect's experts pleaded, but Qin Wentian showed no signs of relenting. Could they seriously expect him to take their pleas seriously?

"WE ARE WILLING TO HAND OVER ALL OUR TREASURES. PLEASE SPARE OUR LIVES!" A breaking point was reached as desperation consumed one of their own. Injuries continued to mount among the Eastern Sage Immortal Sect's disciples.

"The Eastern Sage Immortal Sect is nothing more than a farce," Qin Wentian uttered with icy disdain. These same people had arrogantly cornered him, relentlessly pursuing him and his companions all the way to the Antiquity City. Now, in the face of their own impending defeat, they had the audacity to request a ceasefire and offer their surrender?

"Indeed, these individuals are like jesters. It would have been more respectable if they had simply acknowledged their defeat. But now, they're even tarnishing their sect's reputation," the spectators sighed in unison. Finally, with a deafening roar, the battle formation crumbled, and the massacre began. Disciples of the Eastern Sage Immortal Sect, driven to desperation, brandished their immortal weapons. However, they were now facing the overwhelming numerical superiority of the Qin Sect's experts. Despite drawing their immortal weapons, the Eastern Sage Immortal Sect's disciples found themselves powerless. The battlefield was awash with the spatter of fresh blood.

The hearts of the onlookers quaked violently. This was the largest-scale battle ever witnessed in the City of Ancient Emperors, and never before had so many experts perished in a single conflict. This day had made history.

Today was destined to be a day of reckoning for the Eastern Sage Immortal Sect!


Within the Eastern Sage City, inside the vast expanse of the Eastern Sage Immortal Sect, its grand palaces exuded an air of majestic splendor.

However, within one of these majestic palaces, a surge of tyrannical energy erupted as a voice resounded through the skies.

"Yi`er is dead!" The voice, trembling with emotion, echoed through the air.

"My finest disciple..."

"There's a major incident unfolding in the City of Ancient Emperors."

Countless figures soared into the sky, their faces etched with stern resolve, exuding an aura of chilling determination. Their disciples had been dispatched on a mission by the Eastern Sage Immortal Sect, and now, they had all perished.

Some of their immortal senses had briefly appeared in the City of Ancient Emperors, witnessing the battle firsthand. They knew that their disciples' lives had met a tragic end.

"What on earth is happening here?" questioned the newly arrived immortal kings, their faces painted with confusion as they scanned the chaotic scene unfolding before them. For those in the know, a storm of anger brewed within them, though they also understood that they couldn't entirely fault His Majesty for the drastic order he had issued.

A resounding RUMBLE echoed through the skies as a tremendous force surged above, heralding the arrival of a supremely skilled individual.

"It's one of the four paragons, and even they are seething with rage," murmured the immortal kings of the Eastern Sage Immortal Sect, their hearts quaking with trepidation. One of the four paragons of the sect had personally sent a descendant to the City of Ancient Emperors. This descendant had been among the leaders of the expedition that had brought over three hundred experts to hunt down Qin Wentian.

Then, another deafening rumble resounded, accompanied by the faint appearance of an ethereal figure in the sky. It was none other than the image of the Eastern Sage Immortal Emperor, although not his physical form.

"From this moment forward, if any member of our sect crosses paths with Qin Wentian, Jun Mengchen, Zi Qingxuan, or their companions, show them no mercy. Furthermore, the disciple of the Myriad Incarnations Immortal King, Hua Taixu, is also marked for death." The cold, authoritative voice boomed with irrevocable anger, the Eastern Sage Immortal Emperor himself issuing the command. This time, their sect's reputation had been grievously sullied. The Eastern Sage Immortal Emperor's rage knew no bounds, and he had, without a second thought, ordered the execution of Hua Taixu, a disciple of the Myriad Incarnations Immortal King, disregarding her status entirely. Over three hundred elite talents from their own sect had met their end, and this decree was his response to that monumental failure.