Written Invitation

Written Invitation . . .

Qing'er gazed at Qin Wentian, her heart conflicted by his warm smile. A stubborn glint flickered in her enchanting eyes as she turned to Princess Changping, determination etched on her face. "Aunt, I wish to stay here temporarily with him. Can you arrange a courtyard for us?"

Princess Changping couldn't hide her surprise, her eyes locked onto Qing'er, who met her gaze with unwavering determination. A silent sigh escaped Princess Changping's lips. It was clear that Qing'er's resolve ran deep.

"Well, alright. But if your father starts laying blame at my doorstep, I won't hesitate to clarify that this was your decision," Princess Changping conceded with a shake of her head.

"Mhm," Qing'er nodded in agreement.

With that, Princess Changping gave the order to prepare the finest courtyard for their stay. She led Qing'er and Qin Wentian to a picturesque and elegant setting, replete with numerous rooms to choose from.

"The environment here is splendid, and you can both select your own rooms," Princess Changping informed them before offering a meaningful glance at Qing'er. Qing'er, however, seemed oblivious to her intent and expressed her gratitude with a nod. With that, Princess Changping left the courtyard.

"Qing'er, you really didn't have to do this," Qin Wentian said, deeply moved by her actions. He understood the depth of her feelings.

"Stay in the royal palace with me for some time, please?" Qing'er implored, her gaze fixed on him. Unable to resist her earnest plea, Qin Wentian nodded, "Alright. I'll stay for a while, at least until I've reached the Immortal Foundation realm."

For Qin Wentian, another significant goal remained: to establish his Immortal Foundation. The location didn't matter to him, so why not accomplish it while accompanying Qing'er? As for the disdain and cold stares from the rest of the royal palace, he cared little for their opinions.

Meanwhile, in various estates within the royal palace...

"What? Princess Qing'er allowed Qin Wentian to reside with Princess Changping? They even moved into a courtyard together?"

"Princess Qing'er's determination knows no bounds. She's willing to disregard her own reputation to declare her commitment to everyone in the royal palace."

"This is outrageous! Who exactly is this Qin Wentian to have Princess Qing'er so infatuated with him? If only Princess Qing'er could treat me like that, I wouldn't mind facing any consequences!" A young man bellowed, brimming with resentment.

This was the royal palace of the Evergreen Immortal Empire, and Qing'er's status was undeniable. She knew that it would be unwise to openly oppose her father by inviting Qin Wentian into her residence. Instead, she chose to reside with him in a courtyard within Princess Changping's estate, leaving no room for doubt regarding her determination. Regardless of the obstacles, she was determined to be with Qin Wentian.

By taking this course of action, Princess Qing'er's reputation was inevitably at risk. The entire royal court had their eyes fixed firmly upon her.

In the midst of this mounting tension, another stir erupted in the royal palace as an imposing figure soared through the air above, heading directly to the emperor's palace. The guards did not dare to obstruct him; the Cloud King was one of the Evergreen Immortal Emperor's most trusted subordinates, having earned numerous merits over the years. He held the rare privilege of entering the emperor's palace at will. His arrival required nothing more than a simple report before he could step into a place off-limits to most—the Evergreen Immortal Emperor's inner sanctum.

"Yun Ting requests an audience with Your Majesty," the Cloud King respectfully declared outside the restricted area, waiting for permission to enter.

"Cloud King, what brings you here?" The voice of the Evergreen Immortal Emperor resonated.

"Qin Wentian is beguiling the Princess and must have ulterior motives. My granddaughter, Xia Lian, perished because of him. I beseech Your Majesty to impose the penalty of death upon him," the Cloud King implored, shifting the entire blame onto Qin Wentian, since he didn't dare to accuse Qing'er directly. Had the Evergreen Immortal Emperor already consented to Qin Wentian and Qing'er's relationship, the Cloud King would have had no reason to come here. However, it appeared that the Evergreen Immortal Emperor hadn't given his approval, and Qing'er's determined decision to reside with Qin Wentian provided the Cloud King with a new angle of attack. Perhaps the Evergreen Immortal Emperor would now harbor some prejudice against Qin Wentian due to Qing'er's actions.

The Cloud King, despite his noble lineage, refused to let personal animosity cloud his judgment. Feuds among the younger generations were acceptable, but he understood that acting directly against Qin Wentian before knowing the Evergreen Immortal Emperor's stance would be disastrous and risk incurring His Majesty's wrath. Since Qin Wentian had been brought to the royal palace by Princess Qing'er, everyone had to show respect to the princess, no matter their personal feelings.

"I am already aware of Xia Lian's demise, and she was clearly in the wrong. Qing'er invited Qin Wentian as a guest to the Everpeace Marquis Manor, yet Xia Lian verbally abused and humiliated him, even attempting to take his life. Now that she is deceased, you should understand who was in the right and who was in the wrong. I won't dwell on this matter any longer. Cloud King, focus on your cultivation and strive to break through to the Emperor Realm as soon as possible. We should not overly involve ourselves in the affairs of the younger generation... Let them manage their own affairs," the Evergreen Immortal Emperor's voice asserted.

The Cloud King, with a clear understanding of His Majesty's stance, bowed in acknowledgment. "I understand, Your Majesty. Yun Ting will take his leave."

Without further ado, the Cloud King departed, adhering to His Majesty's wishes. Upon his return to his manor, no one attempted to confront Qin Wentian any further. The word soon spread throughout the royal palace, echoing the Evergreen Immortal Emperor's intention that the younger generation should handle their own matters without undue interference from the elders.

The Evergreen Immortal Emperor's stance on Qin Wentian and Qing'er appeared to have become clear. While he didn't actively support their relationship, his fondness for Qing'er prevented him from strongly opposing it. He seemed content to let events unfold naturally.

"It's undeniable that His Majesty's love for Princess Qing'er knows no bounds," many observers remarked. The only regret was that the princess's heart had already been captured by an outsider.

As the Evergreen Immortal Emperor's position became apparent, discussions within the royal palace gradually subsided. The Everpeace Marquis's wife, bearing her daughter Xia Lian's remains, left the royal palace with bitterness in her heart. However, she was powerless to take any drastic action. No one dared to trespass into the royal palace, especially considering her status as the wife of a mere marquis. Any such action might also implicate the Cloud King.

Inside Princess Changping's estate, within the courtyard where Qin Wentian and Qing'er had taken up residence, an invisible layer of runic light enveloped the entire area. This was a protective formation designed to block prying senses. Throughout the royal palace, nobility-owned estates and manors featured such formations, as nobody liked to be under surveillance. While one's immortal sense could penetrate the barrier if forced, doing so would trigger an alarm. It was considered a provocative act, and most chose to avoid it.

The courtyard's environment was truly splendid and had been thoughtfully chosen by Princess Changping. It stretched across tens of miles, nestled among mountains and lakes. Jade pavilions graced the center, and a serene lake with fish swimming freely added to its charm. Qin Wentian, currently holding a fishing rod, was engrossed in his pastime. The cacophony of the outside world was overwhelming, and he sought a moment of tranquility. Fishing cultivated inner peace, allowing him to prepare his state of mind for breaking through to the immortal foundation realm.

Qing'er sat beside him, and the two appeared as a celestial couple—both exceptional and extraordinary.

"My father is concerned that emotions might hinder my cultivation," Qing'er said softly as she gazed at the lake's waters.

"I can understand His Majesty's concerns," Qin Wentian replied with a smile. "Although my talent is decent, Celestial Phenomenon Ascendants are still considered relatively weak in the vast immortal realms. Immortal Foundation is just the beginning. The Evergreen Immortal Emperor must worry that following me might expose you to danger."

Qing'er turned to look at Qin Wentian and found a bright smile adorning his face. Qin Wentian was no fool; he grasped the Evergreen Immortal Emperor's intentions well. The fact that he didn't outright oppose their relationship already exceeded expectations. While his talent was exceptional, his cultivation was still at a relatively low level. Anyone from the royal palace could easily defeat him with a single strike. Although his talent hinted at a potential future as an Immortal Emperor, the path ahead was riddled with perilous obstacles. Having talent didn't guarantee a smooth journey; dangers lurked at every turn.

Qin Wentian couldn't help but chuckle when he noticed Qing'er's unwavering gaze fixed on him. "Am I really that good-looking?" he teased. Qing'er rolled her eyes and shot him a playful glare before returning her attention to the tranquil lake.

"After the Sacred Luminance baptism, our cultivation foundations are more stable than ever. Establishing our immortal foundations shouldn't pose too much of a challenge. When you break through, do you plan to return to the Royal Sacred Region?" Qing'er inquired softly.

"I believe so," Qin Wentian replied with a nod.

"Take me with you, okay? I'll accompany you to retrieve Qingcheng," Qing'er's voice dripped with tenderness, warming Qin Wentian's heart. But what would happen if the Evergreen Immortal Emperor learned about Qingcheng? How would he react? Most likely, even Qing'er hesitated to reveal this to her father. The pressure they'd face could be far greater than they imagined. While it was relatively common for powerful immortals to have multiple partners, considering Qing'er's status and her father's reputation, they could face severe consequences if their secret were revealed. Yet Qing'er seemed undeterred.

"Qing'er," Qin Wentian called out softly. Qing'er turned to look at him, finding a gentle warmth in his eyes, as if he wanted to melt her with his gaze. Blushing, she averted her eyes, unable to meet his gaze directly.

In that moment, Qin Wentian leaned in closer. Qing'er's heart raced, and a moment later, their lips met in a tender kiss. A rush of emotions surged within Qing'er as her heart pounded. Qin Wentian broke the kiss after a brief, sweet moment, gazing at the beautiful woman before him. Her cheeks were flushed like the rosy hues of a sunset, and a profound love stirred within his heart.

"Qing'er, I will marry you with honor and dignity. Your status as the princess of an immortal empire will remain untarnished," Qin Wentian declared with unwavering determination.

Qing'er's gaze shifted nervously as she looked ahead, suppressing the emotions swelling in her heart. She refused to let them surface on her face. Yet, warmth enveloped her entire being. This, she realized, must be the feeling of love.

"I will head back to rest," Qing'er announced as she stood up. She turned and walked away, her back facing Qin Wentian. A radiant smile lit up her face, as bright as the twinkling stars.

Qin Wentian continued to focus on his fishing, completely absorbed in his thoughts. The line on his rod tugged, but he paid it little attention. His lips still tingled from the memory of that passionate kiss he'd shared with Qing'er, the electrifying sensation lingering in his mind.

In the royal palace, countless young men found it impossible to sleep, knowing that Qing'er had chosen to stay in the same courtyard as Qin Wentian. Their minds ran wild with imagination, conjuring all sorts of scenarios. They were consumed by jealousy and rage, yearning to tear Qin Wentian apart. After all, Qing'er was a princess, her status lofty, her demeanor naturally cold and aloof. Her extraordinary talents and flawless beauty only fueled their jealousy further. The mere thought of the possibility that Qin Wentian might have defiled the pure, jade-like princess drove them to madness.

However, they were powerless. The Evergreen Immortal Emperor had not spoken against their relationship, leaving them with no recourse. Storming into Princess Changping's estate to forcibly separate the two was an unthinkable act.

On the second day, countless eyes remained fixed on Princess Changping's estate. Early in the morning, written invitations arrived from the Qi King Manor. These invitations were extended to the younger generation for a banquet, and Qin Wentian was among the invited guests.

"The Qi King's son has emerged from his seclusion. But if I recall correctly, he should still be in the process of establishing his immortal foundation. Can he really bear to interrupt his cultivation?" Some speculated, puzzled by his sudden appearance.

"It appears that his reason for leaving seclusion is related to Qin Wentian. He has always pursued Princess Qing'er." Gossip and rumors spread like wildfire. Now, Qin Wentian had a rival. The Qi King's son possessed exceptional talent and had returned from the City of Ancient Emperors several years ago. "Back then, he was almost one of the top-ranked individuals in the Immortal Ascension Rankings, likely around #5. After such a prolonged period of seclusion, I wonder just how much stronger he's become."