Courting Humiliation

Courting Humiliation . . .

"Father!" Qin Wentian's anguished cry pierced the celestial expanse, as if his fervent gaze could pierce the veil of the vast starry night and bring forth his father's spectral form. The cruelty of fate weighed heavily upon him. His father had spent the majority of his life in a relentless pursuit, evading those who sought to harm him. Yet, he had also carved a path to greatness through sheer determination, defeating even his childhood best friend—a figure regarded as a king within their clan since youth. However, in the end, every aspect of his existence, from the potency of his blood to the intricate runes etched upon his bones and even the strength of his very soul, was ruthlessly plundered. In the face of such abject helplessness, Qin Yuanfeng had chosen the only escape left to him: death.

Although he couldn't fully grasp the entirety of his father's experiences, the core memories he had witnessed provided crucial insights. Within these core memories, Qin Wentian had gleaned a glimpse of the world his father hailed from—a realm of unparalleled strength. He had also glimpsed his father's youth, marked by isolation and the unwavering loyalty of devoted servants, his profound and immeasurable love, and the ultimate betrayal by a cherished brother that culminated in a fateful confrontation with supremely ancient members of their primordial clan.

During those tumultuous times, Qin Yuanfeng had shed his cloak of loneliness. The people of his faction willingly offered their lives in his service, their spirits unbroken despite being severely oppressed by other members of their clan. They recognized that following Qin Yuanfeng inevitably led to a path of death, yet their unyielding resolve forged an unbreakable bond with him. It was as though Qin Yuanfeng's strength had imparted a pureness to their souls, endowing them with an indomitable spirit that defied all adversities.

Qin Wentian sensed that his father had never truly severed the ties binding him to his erstwhile best friend. This was why Qin Yuanfeng had eventually returned to their clan, challenging him in a battle that would define their worthiness. He sought to prove to everyone that he could emerge victorious over the king the clan had chosen.

"Father, you must still be alive!" Qin Wentian clenched his fists, his resolve unyielding. Recalling the journeys his parents had undertaken during their flight, traversing numerous realms, even venturing into remote particle worlds, he couldn't help but speculate that, in the end, his father had chosen to create a new life in one such distant particle world.

"Perhaps this was all part of Father's plan," Qin Wentian mused aloud. "He knew that he couldn't remain in hiding forever and would eventually be captured. So, he and Mother might have devised a plan to reunite, to seek refuge in another particle world. Perhaps this is why Uncle Black and the others have maintained such a low profile." His heart brimmed with anticipation at the prospect of reuniting with his parents, an unwavering belief that his father still dwelled within this vast cosmos.

With a profound exhale, Qin Wentian released the pent-up anger that had consumed him, seeking solace in the possibility of their eventual reunion.

"Calmness," Qin Wentian whispered to himself, drawing in a deep breath as he sought to steady the tempest of emotions within. His father, a titan of unmatched power, had carved a path through the world, a relentless force of destruction that had even caused the cries of ghosts and demons to fill the air. At the zenith of his prowess, he had dared to return to his divine clan's heartland, engaging in cataclysmic battles that had painted the very heavens with a kaleidoscope of colors. Despite Qin Wentian's achievement in establishing a saint-grade immortal foundation, he remained but a distant echo compared to his father's thunderous presence. His resolve was crystal clear—he needed to amass more power, continually striving to ascend to greater heights.

Yet, destiny had predetermined his course. Qin Wentian understood the need for composure. He had to emulate his father, who possessed an indomitable spirit. It was now clear why his parents had chosen the name "Wentian" for him—a name that beseeched the sky and heavens, for he would be the master of his own fate, the architect of his own destiny.

"Let's delve deeper, searching for more memories," Qin Wentian resolved as his immortal sense once again plunged into the depths of the tiny astral being. He breached the shallower memory fragments, but these were fragmented and lacked the coherence of core memories. Amidst the vast astral expanse, littered with memory fragments, discovering a complete set of memories was nigh impossible. Eventually, he sighed and withdrew his senses.

"Now, I must wait for Uncle Black to provide answers. He should possess the knowledge of my father's experiences. When combined with the memories I've glimpsed, I'll uncover the full truth," Qin Wentian reasoned. However, his heart refused to find solace easily. The impact of these memories was profound, erasing the jubilation of his immortal ascension and saint-grade immortal foundation.

The immortal foundation realm was merely a stepping stone; he aspired to stand alongside his father, attaining the pinnacle where his ancient divine clan resided.

After a prolonged period, he regained his composure. With closed eyes, he allowed his immortal foundation to emit a radiant glow, while the constellational energies surged, refilling his essence to the brim. He chose to temporarily seal away these memories, using them as fuel for his relentless pursuit of greater power.

Ten days passed, and Qin Wentian ceased his cultivation. He rose to his feet, casting his gaze upon Little Rascal and Purgatory, who were both undergoing transformative changes. Little Rascal was enveloped in a golden radiance, exuding an aura of unrivaled majesty as his immortal might surged forth. Purgatory, on the other hand, was wreathed in hellish flames, turning his form into a veritable inferno, radiating a fearsome presence.

They had both ascended to the immortal foundation realm, becoming greater demons known as demon immortals.

With purposeful strides, Qin Wentian ascended into the heavens. His recent bout of close-door seclusion had extended to nearly five years, a duration that felt exasperatingly lengthy. The task of establishing an immortal foundation was proving to be far more formidable than he had ever imagined. It was no wonder that ordinary individuals, even dedicating their entire lifetimes, couldn't hope to complete such a monumental undertaking.

Within the opulent confines of Princess Changping's estate, Qin Wentian emerged from his cultivation platform. A handful of onlookers couldn't help but notice his exit, their eyes agleam with eager anticipation. The heavenly phenomena that had graced the skies on the day of his seclusion remained vivid in their memories. Little did they suspect that Qin Wentian had been the cause of that awe-inspiring spectacle, and today, he had finally emerged from his isolation.

"Big brother Qin, you've emerged from your seclusion. Have you truly attained immortality?" A graceful figure approached, none other than Princess Changping's youngest daughter, Ling'er.

"Mhm," Qin Wentian responded with a warm smile, his eyes fixed upon Ling'er.

"Really? Big brother Qin, have you successfully formed your immortal foundation?" Ling'er's countenance registered genuine delight. Crafting the embryonic structure of an immortal foundation in a single attempt was already an exceptional feat. Yet Qin Wentian had accomplished just that. He simply nodded in acknowledgment, the smile never leaving his face.

"Some time ago, the heavens were ablaze with light, and a divine silhouette appeared in the sky. Was that the result of big brother Qin's immortal foundation establishment?" Ling'er inquired with curiosity.

"I can't say for certain," Qin Wentian replied, shaking his head. At that moment, Princess Changping and the Scarlet Eye Marquis arrived on the scene. They observed Qin Wentian with keen, penetrating gazes that seemed capable of peering into the very depths of his soul. Clad in an unassuming robe, Qin Wentian radiated an extraordinary air of grace and handsomeness, leaving no doubt in anyone's mind that he was a preeminent genius.

"Ling'er, all you need to do is compare big brother Qin's appearance now to when he began his seclusion, and you'll have your answer about his attainment of immortality. Is there really any need to ask?" Princess Changping teased with a chuckle. Ling'er, her curiosity piqued, scrutinized Qin Wentian closely and found herself in agreement with her mother's words. Indeed, Qin Wentian now possessed an even more handsome countenance than before. He exuded an aura of transcendence.

"Well done, achieving your immortal foundation in just five years. Moreover, it appears to be of a high grade. Since Qing'er has yet to complete hers, let us host a banquet in celebration of your accomplishment," the Scarlet Eye Marquis jovially declared. "Men, make arrangements for a celebratory feast in honor of Nephew Wentian's immortal foundation achievement."

"Understood," one of the servants affirmed with a bow before hastening to fulfill the directive. Qin Wentian felt it would be impolite to decline the Marquis's kind gesture and thus replied, "Thank you very much!"

"Let's go and enjoy a few glasses of wine," the Scarlet Eye Marquis said, devoid of any airs of nobility. He walked alongside Qin Wentian, casually draping an arm around his shoulder, as though they were long-standing comrades.

However, amidst the festive atmosphere of the banquet, it was apparent that Qin Wentian's thoughts were elsewhere, burdened by unseen worries that weighed on his heart.

"Wentian, what's on your mind?" The Scarlet Eye Marquis noticed Qin Wentian's distraction and inquired about it.

Qin Wentian offered a reassuring smile, lifting his winecup as he shook his head. "It's nothing, just some thoughts. Let's enjoy our drinks."

"Mhm," the Scarlet Eye Marquis agreed, draining his cup. "Now that you've become an immortal, do you have any plans for the future? Would you like me to guide you through the immortal realms for further refinement?"

"I appreciate your kind offer, Marquis, but there are matters I must attend to first. I intend to wait for my demonic beast companions. If they complete their seclusion soon, I'll journey with them. If not, I might venture forth on my own, leaving them in Qing'er's care for now," Qin Wentian replied.

"You don't plan on waiting for Qing'er?" Princess Changping inquired, her gaze fixed on Qin Wentian.

"No, I don't know how long her seclusion will last," Qin Wentian replied with a slight shake of his head. He understood that Qing'er would undoubtedly wish to accompany him. Yet he was acutely aware of the Evergreen Immortal Emperor's concerns. His current strength was insufficient to safeguard Qing'er adequately. Moreover, his father's memories had stirred something within him. Qin Yuanfeng had endured countless tribulations to be with the one he loved.

"Very well," Princess Changping remarked, her eyes holding a profound meaning. It was evident that Qin Wentian carried deep-seated worries within him.

At that moment, word reached the royal palace that Qin Wentian had emerged from his seclusion. The courtiers were eager to ascertain whether the celestial phenomenon that had occurred was indeed his doing.

"Princess, Marquis," a butler announced, "the Crown Prince of the Qi King Manor requests an audience."

"Oh? He dares to show his face?" The Scarlet Eye Marquis glanced at Qin Wentian and smiled. "Let them in."

"Certainly," the butler acknowledged and withdrew, returning moments later with Yang An and a retinue. An aura of fierce determination emanated from Yang An, who had completed his immortal foundation and now possessed immeasurable strength. His body radiated an ethereal glow, and his eyes blazed with combat readiness as they locked onto Qin Wentian.

"Qin Wentian, step forward and face me in combat," Yang An demanded coldly.

Princess Changping and the Scarlet Eye Marquis exchanged knowing glances. They were well aware of the motives behind Yang An's challenge. It seemed that Yang An aimed to use Qin Wentian as a whetstone to sharpen his skills. Regardless of the outcome, this experience would drive him to work harder in the future. Even if he were to suffer defeat, it would be a valuable lesson. This confrontation also presented an opportunity to assess Qin Wentian's strength following his ascent to immortality.

Qin Wentian surveyed the assembly of experts accompanying Yang An, acutely aware of their ulterior motives. His gaze settled upon Yang An, devoid of emotion, as though regarding an inconsequential presence. He then calmly shifted his attention to Princess Changping and the Scarlet Eye Marquis, his tone warm and courteous as he expressed his gratitude. "Princess, Marquis, thank you for the banquet. I intend to return to my cultivation now."

"Certainly," Princess Changping replied with a nod. Qin Wentian gracefully exited the banquet area, taking flight into the sky, effectively dismissing Yang An.

Yang An seethed with humiliation. Qin Wentian's indifference stung like a slap in the face.

"BOOM!" A tremendous surge of energy erupted as Yang An's immortal might surged forth. He lunged at Qin Wentian with the force of a raging storm, a celestial sabre sweeping through the air with devastating power.

However, Qin Wentian remained unfazed. His eyes harbored an icy resolve as he pivoted, causing the heavens themselves to tremble. Yang An's control over his own immortal foundation wavered, slipping from his grasp.

In response, Qin Wentian extended his hand, and a radiant burst of immortal light enveloped it. Fiendgod armor materialized, shrouding his arm as he unflinchingly met Yang An's sabre strike with his bare hand. The collision reverberated like a thunderclap, Qin Wentian's hand surging forward unabated, reaching for Yang An's throat. His strength was overwhelming, rendering Yang An helpless. Fueled by impotent rage, Yang An's face contorted, his green veins bulging as he futilely struggled against Qin Wentian's grip.

Qin Wentian's eyes glittered with an icy resolve. If they wished to use him as a grindstone to hone Yang An's abilities, then so be it. He would gladly oblige. His free hand swung, connecting with Yang An's body, producing a cacophonous sound of something shattering. Agonized screams filled the air as the sound grew louder and more distressing.

"INSOLENCE!" Yang An's compatriots ascended into the air, poised to intervene. However, the Scarlet Eye Marquis intervened, his voice resonating like thunder as he blocked their path. "You are the insolent ones."

The authority in his voice sent shivers through their bodies. In the next moment, he materialized in mid-air, obstructing their advance. "Didn't you request this challenge?"

Their bodies trembled, never having anticipated that, even after completing his immortal foundation, Yang An would be unable to withstand a single blow from Qin Wentian. Qin Wentian had effortlessly shattered Yang An's attack, seizing him by the throat with unrelenting ruthlessness.

"Are you even qualified to fight me?" Qin Wentian's gaze bore into Yang An, seemingly piercing into his very soul. With a casual toss, a resounding crash filled the air as Yang An's body collided with the ground. Qin Wentian turned and departed, leaving Yang An sprawled helplessly on the ground, his pride and dignity thoroughly shattered.