Attending the Banquet

Attending the Banquet . . .

The young man swiftly intervened, waving his hand to silence his subordinate. He reprimanded the underling with a stern tone, "Enough. Hold your tongue. The Southern Phoenix Clan's rules are firm, and they hold sway over this city."

The chastised subordinate lowered his head and remained silent, clearly understanding that it was best not to provoke further.

Turning back to Qin Wentian, the young man introduced himself with a polite smile, "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Rong Xiao of the Rong Clan. I must confess, I have a genuine admiration for your vermillion bird. Since she acknowledged you as her master, I believe a trade is possible. Why not consider it? It could be mutually beneficial, and we could even become friends."

Despite the polite tone, Qin Wentian and Jun Mengchen were both irked by Rong Xiao's words. Did he really need to flaunt his clan's name to assert his status?

Feigning a sudden realization, Qin Wentian responded with a feigned courteous tone, "Ah, Rong Xiao from the Rong Clan. How delightful to meet you." The hint of pride on Rong Xiao's face intensified as Qin Wentian continued, "Although, truth be told, I haven't had the pleasure of hearing about you before."

Rong Xiao's forced smile began to waver, and Qin Wentian added, "Furthermore, my senior brother has also been invited as a guest by the Southern Phoenix Clan. Please do not overestimate your importance. It would be wise to leave."

Jun Mengchen, always quick to anger, chimed in with his own disdain for Rong Xiao. He couldn't stand the young man's arrogance.

Rong Xiao's expression soured. He gave Qin Wentian a disdainful look, marveling at how composed Qin Wentian remained despite their insults.

"So it appears that Brother Qin is here by invitation as well. My apologies for my earlier presumptions," Rong Xiao conceded indifferently, signaling to his subordinates to leave. "We'll meet again at the banquet."

Jun Mengchen was unimpressed. "What an arrogant fellow."

Qin Wentian turned his gaze to Purgatory, who had grown cold during the encounter. Walking over, he comforted her by patting her shoulder gently. "Purgatory, from now on, just call me Big Brother Qin. You don't need to address me as your master. If you continue to disobey, I won't allow you to follow me."

Purgatory looked at Qin Wentian, her eyes filled with a hint of sadness. Her captivating gaze tugged at his heartstrings, and he regretted using such a harsh tone. But her stubbornness had left him with no choice but to be stern.

"Yes, master," Purgatory obediently replied.

Qin Wentian raised an eyebrow. "Still calling me your master?" He playfully teased.

Purgatory hesitated for a moment before responding tentatively, "Big Brother Qin."

"Perfect," Qin Wentian's demeanor softened, and he affectionately ruffled Purgatory's hair. She looked at him in a daze, her laughter filled with genuine delight. She understood that Qin Wentian was extending his friendship to her.

"Let's go. We should make the most of our time and explore the streets of this city," Qin Wentian suggested. The trio set out to explore the city together, three remarkable young individuals attracting attention wherever they went.

Jun Mengchen commented, "Senior Brother, this immortal city is incredibly prosperous. I even saw a few shops selling immortal-king-ranked innate techniques earlier."

Qin Wentian nodded in agreement. "Shops of that scale in the Southern Phoenix City likely have powerful backing, possibly even immortal kings among them. For us at the immortal foundation realm, we require vast resources to advance. Immortal kings, on the other hand, require substantial wealth and valuable treasures to further strengthen their cultivation. Selling innate techniques is one way to acquire these resources."

Jun Mengchen added, "You're absolutely right. Senior Brother, look over there. A shop with a crowd of customers seems to specialize in selling immortal-ranked weapons." They entered the shop to peruse the selection. Purgatory's eyes gleamed with fascination as she murmured, "This is beautiful."

Qin Wentian was equally captivated when he laid eyes on the treasure that had captured Purgatory's attention. It was an immortal-ranked robe that could adjust its size to fit the wearer perfectly, blending seamlessly with their skin. Despite its soft and silky material, it offered formidable defensive capabilities. The design catered to a woman's desire for beauty while providing reliable protection. Several immortals had also taken notice of this exquisite piece.

Jun Mengchen sighed in admiration, "Such luxury."

Qin Wentian turned to Purgatory and asked with a smile, "Do you like it?"

Purgatory gazed at Qin Wentian with a shy expression, her head bobbing in a timid nod. Qin Wentian couldn't contain his delight. Watching Purgatory's transformation from a spirit entity to becoming more human each day warmed his heart. This evolution signified her growth.

"Well then, let's get it," Qin Wentian said with a smile. Without hesitation, he carried the robe to the counter and paid for it.

After a short while, they exited the shop. Purgatory now wore the fiery red robe, its threads seemingly crafted from phoenix feathers. The material was delicate and exquisite, accentuating Purgatory's graceful figure, exuding an air of elegance and nobility.

"Big Brother Qin, this robe is so expensive. It costs about as much as ten immortal-ranked treasures," Purgatory remarked, a hint of pain in her voice despite her love for the robe.

Qin Wentian chuckled. "Obtaining immortal-ranked weapons will be a simple matter in the future. I can use Driftsnow City for forging. Purgatory, it's rare to find something you truly like. Consider it my gift for your breakthrough to immortality."

"You bought two more similar robes, didn't you? One for Princess Qing'er, and the other for Sister-in-Law Qingcheng," Jun Mengchen teased, grinning as he figured out Qin Wentian's intentions. His senior brother was indeed impressive, surrounded by so many beauties.

Qin Wentian laughed. "You're quite perceptive. That's right. These robes are for them."

Returning to their inn after a long day of exploration, they sat down and enjoyed their drinks while observing the bustling streets below. The city was a lavish wonderland, even the inn rates were exorbitant, making it nearly impossible for ordinary people to afford. Consequently, many had no choice but to sleep on the streets.

Jun Mengchen remarked, "Every inch of this city seems to be paved with gold."

"The immortal realms operate on this principle. Only experts receive preferential treatment and access to cultivation resources. If you reside here, the Southern Phoenix Clan would be responsible for your safety and well-being," Qin Wentian explained.

Jun Mengchen nodded in understanding. As they sat in the inn, they noticed the streets growing more crowded with each passing day. People from all over had flocked to the city, drawn by its liveliness and the upcoming immortal banquet. Among the crowd were also those who had received invitations.

Inside the Lutian Inn, a hushed murmur of excitement swept through the patrons as a group of newcomers made their entrance. Their arrival immediately drew the attention of many, their eyes gleaming with curiosity.

"Look, they're from the Shen Clan. Shen Yi, the young heaven's chosen of the Shen Clan, is rumored to have been invited by the Southern Phoenix Clan. Is he the one leading them?" Whispers and speculations circulated as all eyes settled on a young man dressed in pristine white. He carried himself with an air of elegance, holding a feathered fan. As he strolled into the inn, his subordinates hastened to secure a table and began ordering dishes. Shen Yi's gaze roamed the surroundings, appreciating the view. When his eyes landed on Purgatory, they lit up briefly with a friendly smile before moving on.

"Beauty always garners attention. This lady here exudes an air of refinement and nobility. She must come from an extraordinary background. The young man beside her carries an equally remarkable aura." Observations flowed quietly through the crowd as Shen Yi's fleeting glance did not go unnoticed.

"Still, no matter how impressive that young man may be, can he really rival Shen Yi? He's the young master of the Shen Clan, and his talent is said to be extraordinary. I remember hearing that he once claimed the third spot on the Immortal Ascension Rankings in the City of Ancient Emperors."

"You're right. Shen Yi could probably win over that young woman with ease if he wished." The topic of conversation shifted, focusing on the two individuals. Qin Wentian paid little mind to the chatter and offered a comforting remark to Purgatory, a hint of amusement in his eyes. "Beautiful women tend to attract attention wherever they go, Purgatory. Take it as a compliment. Your charm is undeniable."

Purgatory, her patience tested by the brazen remarks of those in Southern Phoenix City, responded with a cold dismissal. "Not interested."

In the bustling inn, another voice floated through the air as a group of figures descended gracefully from above. The speaker was adorned in resplendent gold robes, a sight that dazzled onlookers.

"The Gold Race," people murmured as they laid eyes on the newcomers. Clad in robes and armor of brilliant gold, they radiated a stunning, eye-catching luminosity wherever they went. The Gold Race members were a spectacle, captivating all who beheld them.

"The Gold Race has established their own immortal empire, known for its formidable might. It's said that a prince from their empire has been invited to the Southern Phoenix Clan's immortal banquet. With so many exceptional talents gathered here, it promises to be a lively event."

"It seems that numerous immortal emperor-ranked powers from the southern region have sent their disciples as well. I wonder which of the holy maidens will emerge victorious in the end." The anticipation in the inn was palpable as the gathering of extraordinary individuals heralded the imminent excitement of the immortal banquet.

The lively discussion in the inn continued unabated, but Jun Mengchen couldn't contain his curiosity any longer. He leaned closer to Qin Wentian, his voice barely above a whisper. "Do you think the rumors are true?"

Qin Wentian contemplated the question for a moment before responding, his tone carrying a note of uncertainty. "Perhaps, we'll find out for sure tomorrow. Let's head back," he suggested. Purgatory, ever attentive to Qin Wentian's cues, immediately rose from her seat and followed him. Jun Mengchen, torn between staying and leaving, eventually decided to accompany his senior on their departure from the inn.

The following morning, as the sun bathed the city in a warm glow, the trio left their inn and set a direct course for the Southern Phoenix Clan. Along the way, they encountered formidable groups of experts, reinforcing the validity of the rumors they had heard. It was apparent that disciples and representatives from numerous major powers in the southern region had converged on this bustling city, their presence signaling the impending grandeur of the upcoming events.