Determined to Battle

Determined to Battle . . . 

The reinforcements from the Eastern Sage Army had yet to coalesce into a formidable formation of 10,000 soldiers. With urgency in their steps, they rushed to provide aid. However, their momentum came to an abrupt halt when they witnessed Qin Wentian leading his troops charging toward them.

Just as they were in the process of organizing their formation, the ox demon unleashed a relentless assault. Monstrous greater demons sprang forth from its gaping maw, sowing carnage wherever they roamed. Its colossal hooves descended with devastating force, claiming the lives of countless experts in an instant.

The other battle teams followed suit, erupting with overwhelming might. Those observing from behind felt their morale surge, their battle intent piercing the heavens as they joined the fray, cutting their way into the ranks of the Eastern Sage Army. Their objective was clear: to slaughter as many foes as possible before the Eastern Sage Army could complete its formation.

The bulk of the Eastern Sage Army's elite forces remained focused on another sector of the battlefield, leaving these few elites ill-equipped to contend with Qin Wentian's regiment. This reversal of fortune quickly tilted the odds in favor of the previously disadvantaged Thousand Transformations Army.

In the skies above, the immortal kings wore increasingly grim expressions. Issuing a desperate order, they commanded their troops to give their all and annihilate the Thousand Transformations Army. However, reality veered from their wishes. The battlefield underwent rapid transformations, and now it was the Eastern Sage Army finding itself in a precarious position.

One immortal king from the Eastern Sage Army furrowed his brow. He understood that the effectiveness of a formation ultimately depended on the controller's combat prowess. The stronger the controller, the more effectively the formation could be harnessed. This principle applied to both the Eastern Sage Army and the Thousand Transformations Army, where elite leaders guided their battle teams, making significant impacts on the battlefield.

Consequently, the 5,000 experts he had dispatched were elite forces, strategically positioned to maximize their impact. These 5,000 experts could be divided into fifty elite teams, collectively possessing immense potential on the battlefield. The mere sight of them prompted a substantial portion of the Thousand Transformations Army to mobilize in response. Such elites were indeed a rare commodity.

Yet, the sudden arrival of Qin Wentian's thirty-nine battle teams in the aftermath of this elite vanguard threw everything into disarray and turned the tide. While these thirty-nine teams may not have boasted the highest cultivation levels, their leaders were masters of supreme combat prowess, ensuring their formations operated at peak efficiency.

"EVERYONE RETREAT!" The command bellowed from an immortal king in the Eastern Sage Army, signaling their hasty withdrawal. Their situation had become untenable, and further combat would only incur heavier losses.

The Eastern Sage Army began their retreat, but the pursuing Thousand Transformations Army showed no mercy, chasing them relentlessly. As they gave chase, clouds of golden sand billowed up, now tainted with the crimson hue of blood. The sun, high above, gleamed ominously in a shade of blood-red.

Once the Eastern Sage Army had fully retreated, the soldiers of the Thousand Transformations Army formed a long line, taking deep, ragged breaths as they felt the weight of their exhaustion. Yet, despite their weariness, smiles lit up their faces. This had been a resounding victory. They had been initially cornered from all sides, making this thrilling battle all the more exhilarating. Tens of thousands of enemies had fallen, and the Eastern Sage Army had been forced into a miserable, panicked retreat. The price had been steep, with many of their own elite warriors perishing in the struggle.

In the sky, a group of experts soared back in the direction of the Thousand Transformations Army's camp. Their true aim had never been the conquest of Han City; it had all been a tactical diversion. Now that they had emerged victorious, they were returning to Yuan City.

"That's Tianwen's Regiment. Their prowess is astonishing, far outstripping the elite battle teams," murmured the watching soldiers, admiration gleaming in their eyes. It was all thanks to Tianwen's leadership that they had avoided a crushing defeat.

As they gazed at Qin Wentian and his regiment, reverence filled their hearts. The battlefield had a way of stripping away superficial distinctions of seniority and cultivation base, leaving only respect for the leader who had guided them to victory.

"Let's prepare a celebratory banquet when we return," someone proposed, and the troops began to make their way back, some simultaneously helping with the grim task of cleaning the battlefield.

Qin Wentian's fame reached new heights after this battle. It was widely recognized that the Tianwen Battle Formation and the Tianwen Regiment were a formidable, unbeatable force.

In the aftermath of this battle, the Eastern Sage Army refrained from launching any further attacks. Instead, it was the Thousand Transformations Army that initiated provocative probing attacks.

In the six months that followed, the Eastern Sage Army, initially dominant, found itself evenly matched. They often adopted a defensive stance, allowing the Thousand Transformations Army to regain its pride and confidence. No longer as cautious as before, the troops challenged the Eastern Sage Army in daring clashes.

On this day, a thousand daring experts ventured out to issue a challenge battle, but none of them returned. Not a single soul managed to escape with their life intact.

Inside the military camp, General Lan, the military governor, had summoned all the commanding officers for a crucial discussion. Gathered within a grand hall, figures clad in formidable armor radiated an air of authority and power. Qin Wentian, too, was present, his armor gleaming brilliantly, his face obscured by a mask. In the army, he remained an enigma, shrouded in mystery. Few had glimpsed his true countenance, but all knew that his cultivation might not be the highest, yet his combat prowess was nothing short of terrifying. Under his leadership, the regiment he commanded had never once tasted defeat.

"Earlier, a thousand of our troops ventured forth for a challenge battle, only to meet their doom. The Eastern Sage Immortal Sect has assembled a Trump Card Army, comprised of direct disciples of their most influential sect members. Their purpose is clear: to bolster their forces here and obliterate us. I fear that the Eastern Sage Army will launch a major offensive soon. Do any of you have strategies in mind?" General Lan inquired, fixing his gaze upon the assembled commanders.

"Are these Trump Card troops truly formidable?" someone questioned.

"They are incredibly strong. The weakest among them possess the power of the seventh-level of the immortal foundation stage, and each of them wields remarkable combat capabilities. They are more than a match for our elite battle teams," General Lan replied.

"Whatever challenges come our way, we'll face them head-on. We've already repelled the enemy twice and achieved a significant victory. After reorganizing the Tianwen Regiment, our combat strength should be on par with them, right?" A few commanders shifted their attention to Qin Wentian, their eyes tinged with hints of resentment at his prominence. Qin Wentian was a mere second-level immortal, yet his fame within the army had skyrocketed. It was common knowledge that the Tianwen Regiment was the ace up the Thousand Transformations Army's sleeve. In previous battles, most of the military merit had been attributed to Qin Wentian, fueling some commanders' jealousy.

"Tianwen, what's your take on this?" General Lan directed his question at Qin Wentian.

"Let's fight," Qin Wentian responded succinctly. The unwavering confidence in his voice caught General Lan's attention. He scrutinized Qin Wentian closely and probed, "Tianwen, could you elaborate on your plan?"

"Although the Eastern Sage Immortal Sect has regained some strength, our Thousand Transformations Army has also recuperated. I implore General Lan to lead us into the upcoming battle. Our goal this time is nothing short of total annihilation of the Eastern Sage Immortal Sect's occupying forces in Han City. We aim to take the city for ourselves. Achieving such a resounding victory will undoubtedly inspire more immortal-foundation experts from every corner to join our ranks."

Qin Wentian's measured words hung in the air, his tone brimming with confidence. General Lan's eyes shimmered with contemplation as he continued to listen. "Otherwise," Qin Wentian added, "the people throughout the thirteen prefectures, even those from the six western prefectures currently under the control of the Thousand Transformations Immortal Sect, will lose faith in our ability. While our previous major victory bolstered morale, it wasn't sufficient. However, if we capture Han City, our army's prestige will soar to unparalleled heights."

A stunned silence fell over the room as everyone gazed at Qin Wentian in disbelief. Was he out of his mind? He aimed to obliterate the Eastern Sage Army and seize Han City in one audacious sweep?

For years, the Eastern Sage Army had been the aggressor, continuously launching attacks, while the Thousand Transformations Army remained in a passive defensive stance. Their sole objective had been to withstand the Eastern Sage Army's relentless assaults. Yet now, Qin Wentian boldly proposed seizing Han City, a move that would utterly transform their fate.

"Do you truly believe that?" General Lan's eyes shimmered as he fixed his gaze intently on Qin Wentian.

"Yes," Qin Wentian affirmed with a nod. "The Thousand Transformations Immortal Sect needs a more significant victory."

"What you say isn't incorrect," General Lan acknowledged, "but even if we were to achieve a great victory and occupy Han City, the Eastern Sage Immortal Sect would simply marshal more troops and launch a counteroffensive. We would then face even stronger adversaries, resulting in increased pressure. In fact, they might extend their attacks to all six of the prefectures currently under our control."

"The Eastern Sage Army launching attacks on all six prefectures is inevitable," Qin Wentian responded. "Do you believe, Senior, that we can avoid such a scenario? Why don't we use a grand battle to assert the dominance of our Thousand Transformations Army? If the Eastern Sage Immortal Sect sends more troops to exert pressure on us, we can always withdraw and see if they truly dare to venture deep into our six prefectures. Despite their numerical superiority, they are just as hesitant as us to deplete their soldiers' vitality. It's a matter of who will yield first."

Qin Wentian welcomed alternative viewpoints, and General Lan smiled, saying, "Alright, I will convey your proposal to General Ox. If he agrees, we'll proceed with your plan." With that, General Lan rose and exited the room, leaving Qin Wentian alone with the other commanders.

One of the commanders fixed a sharp gaze on Qin Wentian and remarked, "Don't you understand that, given our current combat capabilities, it's nearly impossible to annihilate the vast army of the Eastern Sage Immortal Sect? Even if we go all out, risking our lives, we'd, at best, match their rate of casualties."

"What, then, is your suggestion?" Qin Wentian inquired.

"We wait. We wait for the right opportunity," the other commander replied.

"Opportunity? Even if you wait indefinitely, no opportunity will emerge unless you create one yourself," Qin Wentian declared, rising and stepping outside. "The foundations of the Thousand Transformations Immortal Sect cannot be compared to the Eastern Sage Immortal Sect. Engaging in a war of attrition would inevitably lead to our defeat. What we need is a resounding victory. We need a triumph so magnificent that it will ignite the spirits of the people in all six prefectures under our control. They must witness for themselves that the Thousand Transformations Immortal Sect can emerge victorious in a battle against the Eastern Sage Immortal Sect."