
The echoes of a battle long concluded lingered in the air, whispering tales of sacrifice and redemption. The once tumultuous skies had cleared, revealing a world forever changed by the actions of a lone figure—Azrael, the Angel of Death.

Mirai, still nursing the wounds of war, found herself standing in the aftermath. The absence of Azrael weighed heavily on her heart. His sacrifice had saved them all, but it left behind an emptiness that the gentle breeze seemed unable to fill.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting hues of orange and purple across the celestial canvas, Mirai traced the contours of a fading memory. She could almost feel Azrael's ethereal presence, a bittersweet reminder of a love transcending mortal boundaries.

In the wake of the battle, the world struggled to regain its equilibrium. Angels, demons, and humans alike faced the daunting task of rebuilding what war had dismantled. Yet, amidst the remnants of chaos, a new dawn promised hope.