- Extra

Somewhere In a higher dimension.

The Space here was nothing but a colour of pure gold with strings of white weaving through the place. It spoke nothing but tranquility and peace.

There even looked to be a waterfall of golden water that looked to be flowing from an endless pool of water but there was what looked to be a gazebo on the water.

This gazebo was mixed with gold and white and colour. Its supports were each sporting different symbols that each glowed along with the space they were in giving it an otherworldly vibe, at the centre was a simple round table with what looked to be a cup around the table filled with a suspicious golden liquid but there seemed to be a commotion as a flask like a bottle was thrown into a nearby support.

The person who did this was a man who seemed to be a normal human male but his skin was glowing a gold colour and his eyes were a burning white colour that didn't radiate any good emotions rather they were filled with fury towards another being who had long golden hair and was naked though, this didn't seem to displease the people at the gazebo.

"I hope you know what you're doing as another breach was punched by your ship, moreover, it was in my territory! *Sigh* I hope you know what you're doing if your chosen one keeps punching holes through space and time, I will personally put her down"

"Now, now Let's not let our anger cloud our judgement" Another person spoke though this one seemed to be a person glowing entirely in a gold colour as 2 large fiery wings were burning behind his back almost like a flame, "I'm pretty sure she has a plan on what she'll do with her ship, don't you Teressa"

Teressa looked at the flaming angel briefly before looking at the human person in front of her as she spoke.

"I do not plan on interfering with my chosen one." A shocked reaction passed through the 2 people there, "I have hope that she will choose the right path as she is the ship of harmony. If she wants to protect humanity I will simply observe and only interfere when the time is right"

The human in front of her looked like he was going to burst from anger but with a wave of the flaming angel's hand, he bottled the anger and continued to glare at Teressa.

"If that is your decision then there is nothing that can be done, however, if your chosen one destroys this universe like the last one you will be marked as a destroyer no matter where you go, and you will be hunted for your acts. You should be grateful that the collapse of your universe was overlooked otherwise you wouldn't even be here, to begin with."

Teressa had a look of regret on her face as the others started to leave leaving Teressa to her thoughts.

'If only I had protected humanity, none of these events would have happened, Yamato, don't make the same mistake as last time'

With that last thought, she disappeared from that gazebo and wandered around the space that looked familiar but at the same time, it wasn't.

Change: The Void

The city of Kaisen has been wiped off the galactic charts due to the rupture in space and time that created a mini black hole to seal the rupture which all but left the area empty but it wasn't the only area that was controlled by Chaos.

Travelling deeper into the realm revealed another world however this one seemed active as people were walking around and doing their things while at the largest city of that world, a castle like none before stood its ground, its black stone walls gave an imposing look in the dimly lit area while inside we could see many vast chambers that were filled with few people that looked like nobles.

We soon see a huge double door that looks to be crafted from precious void materials as it is filled with symbols and other intricate symbols.

Inside we walk in to see a large bed fir for a king and lying on it was an individual who should be dead rather than alive.

A soft glow filled their body before their eyes snapped open revealing a pair of black eyes that glowed with a deep purple colour. To her left side, a ripple in space occurred as what looked to be an advisor was out of the tear in space.

"How long have I been out" the person asked.

"My queen, you've been asleep for 30 revolutions though your body double was only killed 2 revolutions ago, so you've been asleep for 2 revolutions. However, I'd like to report that sadly the city of Kaisen has been wiped. It seemed that the tear in space grew uncontrollably and collapsed on itself forming a black hole that sucked in Kaisen, however, I'd like to report a great finding" The advisor's voice seemed to get happy as he said the last part.

"Please continue," urged the queen as her heart filled with suspense.

"In the final moments before the rift collapsed, I sensed our monarch's energy emanating from the rift," said the advisor. A mad grin appeared on both of their faces as their plan was going faster than expected.

"It seems that the ship is the key to breaking the seal. That's good, because I have the perfect plan," said the queen as she got out of bed and headed towards the door.

"Does it entail using that cube we found in the Orion System, the one that was guarded heavily by the Sakura Empire forces?" asked the advisor.

The queen opened the door with a devilish grin. "Yes, that one. I feel that it's connected in more ways than one to that ship, Yamato."

The advisor chuckled as he quickly followed his queen through the door. "Magnificent plan as always, my Queen." 

Last change, Strange Siren dimension

"Observer," The empress said as she saw said individual walk towards her with a smirk on her face, "Are our plans moving smoothly?"

"Yes, they are as The Yamato has been seen in the Azur Lane system, it won't be long before she joins the battle"

"Good," The empress said as looked out a large window at the magnificent view right in front of her. Numerous ships were waiting in the pocket space for the right time to strike but that wasn't even the object of her joy.

Looming over them all was something that looked like a crudely shaped angel or in better terms a stick that looked like it had wings.

This was the ark of destruction, the bigger more destructive version of her sister but as per her previous announcement she wouldn't be taking part in the war merely observing it the empress knew that it would fight as another piece of her plane had fit perfectly and the outcome would be simply marvellous.

See you guys' next time.