Marked by a 'Spectator'

Even after the series of the pop up notifications had stopped, I was still rooted on the spot with my jaws at it's limit. 'what's all these...? Are we playing detective now?', whoever is behind this game just confirmed my suspicions with bountiful rewards. Is this game all about cracking mysteries?

[You have the right to ask one question]

The system repeated...

I had a million question to ask but can only get the answers to one. I was considering asking between... 'what's this game all about?' and 'How did Anya get her spells?'

But on remembering what a certain person told me... 'Yes you are!!... You are too predictable Leonardo!!... Just... Like... Dummies!!'. I quickly decided against it, asking those questions were too predictable... And if I wanted to be a formidable opponent someday, then I'll have to be 'unpredictable'.

[You have been marked by a 'Spectator']

"Could you guy's... quit... spying on me!!!" I screamed into the night in frustration.

I was starting to feel 'bare' just at the thought of being watched by this 'Spectator' of a thing.

"Ooh... How long did you we were spying on you?" I heard from behind and quickly spun around, I was about to pull my pistol but on a second thought... decided not to.

There were three people a couple of feets away. A bulky man with an overconfident smirk and behind him was a short man who was licking his dry lips maniacally and a saucy looking pretty lady, posing in other to look intimidating.

"What do you want?" I asked with a frown. They must all be player's.

"Only a player would be standing in the streets at night while muttering to himself" said the short man while grinning.

"Pledge your loyalty to 'Top Dog' and you'll get to hang out with us" the saucy looking pretty lady indicated at the bulky guy with her chin when she said 'Top Dog'.

Should be his username.

"And why would I want to pledge my loyalty to a dog" I asked, stretching the word 'dog'.

The bulky guy eyes turned bloodshot when he heard my mockery.

"How... dare... You?" The bulky guy asked in a low, intimidating tone. With his left hand slowly going behind his waist...

My lips were already curling upward at thought that he was going to pull out a dagger when suddenly... I felt like time had been set to ×2 and I saw the bulky man quickly pulled out a revolver from behind his waist and fired at me before I could even move a muscle.


I heard the sound of shattering glass and saw the bulky man's left hand were still going behind his waist. I didn't understand what was going on but I wasn't willing to let myself get caught off guard 'again'.

I quickly pulled out my pistol which was stuck in my pants and disguised with my shirt. And without delay, I pulled the trigger...



I saw the look of disbelief and horror written all over the bulky man's face as he dropped to the floor.



The short man soon followed with the look of unwillingness. And seeing her teammates drop to floor, the saucy looking pretty lady broke into a sprint in the opposite direction.




I missed the first shot, the second shot got her in the left shoulder, which wasn't enough to take someone who was determined to live down, and... I ran out of bullet.

I heard her distant sobs as she quickly disappeared into the darkness of the night, which made me realize that we could feel unrestrained pain in this world. Is this really a game? I was starting to feel bad for the lady cause I knew that bullet wounds were painful.

[You killed Top Dog]

[You killed Jester]

[You have leveled up]

'Are these guys really dead? This is just a game right?' I did a quick body search on the two men and only found the revolver from my 'vision with a handful of bullets and a leather pouch on the big guy.


I heard distant whistles, and approaching footsteps and discovered that the whistles were like sirens here. I quickly claimed my loots and disappeared into the darkness like I was never there.