A training session/date in the mountains with Amanda

(Ryujin POV) 

In Tim's iconic film "Killer Mountain," he achieved the unthinkable – he split an entire mountain with a single punch. The plot revolves around a sentient mountain birthing monsters to terrorize a neighboring city. Though the storyline wasn't Oscar-worthy, the electrifying action sequences left viewers on the edge of their seats. One particularly mind-blowing moment? Tim's mountain-shattering blow at the climax.

Rumors circulated on fan forums that Tim underwent years of rigorous training to perfect that punch. Stripped of any magical elements, this was just raw, bone-crushing strength, culminating in a strike powerful enough to decimate an entire mountain. Every time I think about it, goosebumps run up and down my spine.

Inspired and a tad reckless, I decided to replicate the cinematic feat. The challenge? Slipping away undetected from the Blue Lotus Sect before sunrise. Amanda, ever the protective one, would surely try to stop me. And, of course, the sect, under my father's leadership, wouldn't be thrilled about me pulverizing mountains on a sheer whim.

To avoid any fallout, I targeted a lonely mountain to the east. Towering and formidable, this barren giant was more a breeding ground for monsters than a habitat teeming with life. Obliterating a vibrant mountain could wreak havoc on the ecosystem, potentially collapsing the economic backbone of neighboring communities reliant on its flora and fauna.

My game plan was straightforward: position myself close, yet far enough from the mountain to avoid drawing a horde of monsters. After all, the day's goal wasn't to tangle with beasts but to test my might against the mountain's solid facade — one punch, just like Tim.

Amanda's alarm goes off at 5 a.m., constantly beating mine by an hour. But today, I was up by 4 a.m., hoping to escape silently without detection. Muttering the incantation, "Ice Silence," I harnessed the power of ice magic to muffle my footsteps by coating them in a thin layer of frozen mana. Quietly, I maneuvered toward the mansion's exit to escape the sect entirely.

However, just as the entrance was near, I heard the one voice I'd hoped to avoid.

"R-Y-U-J-I-N S-A-M-A," Amanda's shrill call echoed throughout the hallway. 

Cursing my bad luck, I turned to face her, feigning innocence.

"Morning, Amanda. Beautiful day for a stroll, don't you think?"

She raised an eyebrow, totally unamused. "Cut the act, Ryujin-sama. What's your real plan?"

I sighed. "I just wanted to... walk."

"Out with it, Ryujin-sama. Now." Her stern gaze intensified.

"I planned to leave the sect for some mountain training." Defeated, I confessed.

"Which mountain?" She looked at me suspiciously.

  "One to the east. But how did you even detect me? I used 'Ice Silence.'"

"I've been... monitoring you. *Cough* *Cough* I know you so well."

"Makes sense."

"Let's go then," Amanda said with a playful glint in her eyes.

"I thought you wanted to stop me?"

"Well, mountains make for perfect romantic getaways. *Cough* *Cough* What I meant was I should be there to oversee your training. And I doubt you'd back down anyway."

"Right. Let's get going then."

We left the sect after Amanda finished picking up some things she said were important.





Upon our arrival, Amanda quickly set up a picturesque picnic scene. She unfurled a checkered blanket, laid it on the grass, and began to take out various items from her basket. Fresh sandwiches, fruit salads, and a bottle of sparkling juice glinted under the sun. The aroma of baked pastries wafted toward me, making my mouth water.

  "Amanda, why is a picnic your dream? Nothing against it, I'm just curious..."

"It's not just any picnic, it's... a date. Plus, it's good to get out of the sect occasionally. Just look at the view!"

I smiled, seeing her genuine enthusiasm. 

"Alright, let me get ready for the main event."

From my pocket, I pulled out a meticulously designed ring called the "Mana Nullifier." As the name suggests, this ring was crafted to nullify the mana of its wearer, ensuring no magical abilities could be harnessed. Slipping it onto my finger, I immediately felt the magic inside me becoming dormant.

"Ryujin-sama! Your mana, it's... It's gone!" Amanda's eyes widened in utter disbelief. 

"Yes, I've rendered my mana unusable for now."

"But without mana, you're vulnerable!"

I shook my head, trying to reassure her. "No, Amanda. Mana doesn't define my strength."

Although it's widely believed that without mana, a magic user becomes feeble, items like the Mana Nullifier were typically reserved for high-risk prisoners. Today, however, it would aid my unique training.

"I'll show you what I mean."

I confidently positioned myself in front of the looming mountain. I grounded my feet, taking a deep breath to focus my mind and channel all my strength into my fists. Every muscle in my body tightened, preparing for the upcoming release of energy.

With a powerful exhalation, I launched my punch forward. The sheer force created a gust of wind so strong it carved out a massive section of the mountain, turning it into rubble and dust carried away by the wind.

Amanda's eyes gleamed with admiration. "That was incredible, Ryujin-sama!"

I sighed, feeling slightly unsatisfied. "It wasn't enough. Tim achieved a grander feat with fewer resources. I need more training."

"For now, why don't you remove that ring and join me for our picnic... date?"

She tried to lift my spirits.


"Well, about the ring... I can't take it off just yet."

I have to train more to get stronger.




(Ester POV.)


The stars seemed to have aligned in my favor. With Ryujin distracted by Amanda, I had the ideal opportunity. Amelia was the only other potential hindrance, but her obsessive focus on Ryujin rendered her virtually insignificant in my plan. She was brooding over her beloved "Nii-ni," in her little world.

Now, onto Ryujin's mission – creating a replica of Ryujin's prized sword. I remembered every minute detail of the blade. After all, in my past life, that sword was mine. A glint of mischief flashed as I recalled the countless times I had secretly studied it. Oh, if only Ryujin knew how close I had come to claiming it for myself in the past.

To make a convincing counterfeit, I rummaged through my stash of materials. Though second-rate in quality, they were malleable and perfect for this purpose. I picked up a slab of cheap iron, ready to be molded into a semblance of the original blade. With a firm grip, I placed the metal onto the anvil, striking it rhythmically with a hammer. Each hit each clink echoed my determination. I reheated the metal whenever it became less compliant, ensuring its shape matched Ryujin's sword.

As hours passed, I meticulously carved the ornate patterns onto the blade using a chisel, ensuring it resembled the iconic markings of the original. A false gem, eerily similar to the one on Ryujin's sword, was set into the hilt. I gave the blade a superficial polish for the finishing touch, making it gleam despite its inferior quality.

Admiring my handiwork, I was pretty pleased with the replica. From a distance, and even up close, only a true connoisseur might be able to tell the difference.

With the fake sword ready, it was time to pass it to Pedro and watch the chaos unfold.