One Of Us Did It - Part 1

Prince Dominic

As Prince Dominic had expected, the party was not his style. The dancing was too intimate for him and was a very good reminder of how no one in the entire school other than his sister was willing to share his space. It was not his fault that they would all rather dance with their preferred partners and hardly spare him a glance despite the chaos he had caused by fighting the son of the Prime Minister in the dance hall. It was no ones fault really, nature had just being a dick and dealt him a bad hand and left him to figure out how to exist in a world were being born without magic was synonymous to committing every crime in the law book.

Taking a sip from his wine, he took a sweeping glance around the room, ignoring where he a non Saint had taken on a Saint and had won with a landslide. It wasn't that he was not proud of himself for taking the dick-head down a notch or two, on the contrary he was rather pleased with himself, however there were consequences to standing up for himself. If he knew his father, which he did, he was very certain that he was going to send an Inquisitor to punish him for daring to harm a Saint with his 'poisoned' hands. It didn't matter that he was the fucking Prince of the land, being a non Saint had made him below a slave which meant he didn't have rights like the rest of the free people walking around Syera. Self defence on his part was a crime in the eyes of the law, which meant that if Edward had being successful in killing him right there and then in the party, the prick would have been given a fucking reward and not a death sentence for harming someone of royal blood.

His quiet introspection as he stood at one corner of the room led him to miss the exit of five individuals, Edward, Domnica, Derek, Elswyth and Curtis. At first he ignored their shared absence after all they were all friends with one another, well at least a couple of them were tighter with each other while outright hating the other individuals.

Curtis and Elswyth were lovers so it was not alarming to find them not there, in fact he could bet his fortune that they were at the moment making out and about to do the nasty. Derek was best friends with Edward and seeing as the kid had been humbled by the Prince of the Land, he was sure Derek had gone to comfort him or give him a pep talk, whatever it was he could do in order to prevent the very unpredictable Saint from doing anything ill advised. His missing sister however, that did not sit right with him. She had made it her duty to never leave his sight unless if she was angry or with friends, seeing as her friends were in the hall, he deduced she had to be angry. An angry Dominica was not one he wanted unleashed on anybody at the moment least of all the erratic and equally angry Edward.

Releasing a sigh as he came to the conclusion that an angry Dominica and an angry Edward was a recipe destined to make a bad cake, he hurriedly finished his drink and left the hall in search of his sister.

His sister has and would probably always be the only person he was sure loved him. Ever since his parents had birthed him, they had made it pretty obvious to him and the rest of the nation that they wouldn't mind an accident happening to him, not just some silly accident like losing a limb or going blind or something as petty as that. No they had always wished for more serious accidents like drowning, burning, falling from a very high position or a good old stabbing in the back by some thief trying to take not just his coins but his life, anything really that would guarantee his death and exit from their lives.

It was quite sad really, living his whole life with the knowledge his own parents hated him. It was a lonely existence made pleasurable by a sister who loved him intensely, the very same sister who was at the moment no where to be found. Part of him wanted to protect his sister even though he knew very well how powerful his sister truly was, the other part of him wanted her to be unleashed against all the enemies he could destroy but shouldn't because of how fragile his political value was. Times like this when he had an enemy he wished to put down, he wanted to put the dick and his sister in a ring and leave them alone for a couple of minutes for them to sort themselves out, but then again he had to think about the political fallout; would his sister's reputation survive being branded a mad-princess that murdered boys that pissed her off?

As he walked down the hallway noticing how silent it was, completely devoid of guards and Saints, he couldn't help but wonder what on earth incited the dumbass called Edward to fight him in public. He could perhaps see him just being rude to him for a long time while they both resided in the Tower, he could see him continue to take every opportunity afforded him by the King, to torment him physically and emotionally in perpetuity, but that fucker didn't have it in him to commit regicide or even take him on, not when his sister had been right there.

Pushing aside that line of thought, he decided to focus on the task he had at hand; finding his sister. As he walked down the hallway he noticed the various gas powered bulbs invented by some Saint that was among the richest Lord in the land, said light bulbs had already been adopted all over Syera and had given the man not just wealth but fame even though the dude came from literal nothing. Dominic had tried to get a job as the old man's assistant but due to his stigma, the man had refused as did every single person in the nation, it was actually a miracle that he was even attending school in the Saint Tower; a school that taught the Saints everything they needed to know about the magic they had been born with. He supposed that he would have to thank his sister for that miracle.

After checking three empty classrooms, he became a bit nervous to find no one else in the hallway. Perhaps the celebration of his father's birthday was that big of a deal that the entire student population would rather dance and laugh and drink than find a room to fuck their brains out? Or there was something afoot, something he was yet to see or take note of, or he was just being paranoid; an empty hall way was after all always the start of a bad recipe for his day or night.

Just as he shook his head in bemusement, seeming to find the nation's love for his father very confusing when all he'd known from the old man was hate and an instilled paranoia which he always battled every moment of his life, his thoughts were brought to an abrupt stop when he heard hurried whispers from one of the classrooms in the hallway. He waited a moment to know if it was indeed a couple of horny teenagers about to do the nasty in one of the classroom but no further whispers came out, what he heard however were the sounds of nervous breaths. With his interest piqued, he walked towards the room he certain was the source of the breathing and whispers and proceeded to open it only to see four students backing the door as they stared at the ground.

"Uh, hello?" Any other night, he would have simply walked past the classroom, unmoved by whatever could be happening within and simply gone on his merry way. However tonight was the night he was looking for his sister therefore, inspecting rooms where he heard voices in, was on the table.

At his call, his sister whom he had been searching for for the past minutes, turned around and faced him with a grim look on her face. She looked him dead in the eyes as he took in the room that also consisted of the missing Saints from the party while also walking towards him as one approached a skittich animal about to bolt at any moments notice. There was something about the air, something about the body language of the people in the room, something was wrong with the shaking Elswyth and the Curtis that stood strong as well as Derek that looked as guilty as one did when they had just committed a very heinous crime.