The Best Lies Are Told With Layers Of Truth -part 3

Lord Derek

The Inquisition had been as challenging as they had known it would be. Lady Amanda had been very cool and collected with the questioning and simply picking apart their stories like one did a plate of food when you were looking for the onions to remove. She might have believed them or might not have regardless, the danger had passed for now, however, with one danger gone another was about to come.

Curtis was right, he might not have loved the suggestion of framing the Prince for the crime of murdering Edward, seeing as it was the three of them who killed the guy, but something had to be done as soon as possible. The Chief Inquisitor was naturally going to use a tracing spell to find the dickhead, but doing it only two days after the crime had been committed, was not good timing for them.

They had all hoped that it would take at least three days before anyone came looking for him and eventually found him in the woods all torn apart by the Cocksyd that resided in the area they had left Edward; that way it would be effortlessly ruled as a drunk Edward having gotten himself killed, not as homicide. With the Lady Amanda here, things had gotten dangerous and had to be taken care off. The knife that had been buried in the forbidden forest had to be taken back due to the fact that their presence was still registered on the knife despite being buried in the ground, the time scale once more working against them, if it were three days then the signatures would be gone due to it been buried, but now they had no choice but to bring it out of the ground before it was found.

One by one they all entered the room where they had committed the crime. Each one of them entered with a look of quiet contemplation all of them knowing the full gravity of the situation. With the Lady Amanda in the Tower, whatever carefully crafted plans that the Royal Twins had had which they all had hoped to follow, was now out the window. They now had to think of new plans to suit the presence of the Lady Amanda.

If he had been told the day that he arrived at the Tower that one day he would be an accessory to murdering the Prime Minister's son, he would have laughed in the person's face. After all it was no secret that he had done no wrong ever since he was conscious enough to know what was right and what wasn't, or at least tried to do what was right in the presence of the public. While his plan to protect himself, his sister and Curtis were not the most noble, he had to do it but first he needed the knife. If the knife was with him, then the Prince could not use it to release his sister from the crime he believes she committed, he could also use it to frame the Prince.

"We've got a problem." Derek began as they all settled down in the now secure room which had been silent proofed to prevent anyone from hearing any conversation they shouldn't.

"Yes, the Lady Amanda is here and is looking for Edward. The Inquisition already told us that we indeed have a problem. However the plan remains the same." Dominic said.

"I'm sorry, what? With the Chief Inquisitor here I had thought that we would have to modify our plans around her. For example the knife could be found and then spelled to find the last people to be in contact with it due to the blood of Edward forever on it regardless of how much we cleaned it. We should get rid of that first." Derek replied.

"Even more reason why we should not return to his body. Look we could always claim to not know how the knife had our presence on it, hell there could be like a dozen other presence on it so why worry?" The Princess asked.

"Think about it, she already has the five of us missing from the party alongside Edward, do you think she would really want to ask us questions as to how our presence got on the knife? The way I see it, the knife is all she needs in order to arrest your brother and have him hang for Edward's death." Derek said.

"We are thinking from a position of fear, I mean why do you believe that the Lady Amanda will find his body tonight, it could be tomorrow morning?" Dominic said.

"Do we want to risk it?" Curtis asked. "Do you want to risk your brother hanging for the rest of his life on a rope continuously gasping for breath and dying all over again?"

Curtis' question seemed to work seeing as the Princess blinked her eyes twice before turning to look at her brother who just stared back at them with a look of contemplation.

"We should at least remove the knife from that area and hide it in a place no one would ever see it until all of this blows over and then we could bury the knife again for good measure." Elswyth said as an idea entered her head.

"We could be followed you know? From the Inquisition I can tell you that the Lady Amanda suspects your brother, I and my brother." Dominica said as she looked at the three of them closely with a healthy dose of suspicion.

"How do I know you are not just suggesting this to lure us into a trap of your making? For all I know, you have Lady Amanda positioned somewhere to make a glorious arrest of the Prince and have him die a painful death just as the King and the majority of the Kingdom desires." The Prince said as he folded his hands maintaining eye contact with him and Curtis before Elswyth.

"I don't know how to convince you your highness, but I will say that if things do go awry in anyway, I will take the fall for all of us. I will say that I killed Edward." She replied, at the same time she could hear the threat in his sister's voice. She was not just speaking to the Prince it seemed.

"Then I suggest we all go get ready for our little midnight mission." The Princess said after a moment of silence passed between the Prince and Elswyth.

"We also need to get rid of his clothes for good measure." Dominic said as he stood up from the table. "We would not want to leave behind any trace now would we?" He asked as he once more locked eyes with him, the Prince was starting to get suspicious alright. The sooner they their hands on the knife, the better for the three that actually killed Edward.