With the threat of the ancient evil vanquished, Leo and Bell returned to Orario as heroes. Their names were etched in history, their tale inspiring a new generation of adventurers to forge their own paths. But amidst the celebrations and accolades, Leo and Bell remained grounded by their shared experiences, the challenges they had overcome, and the bond that had carried them through.
As they stood atop a tower overlooking the city, Leo reflected on their journey. He marveled at how far they had come, from a chance encounter at a bakery to facing down ancient evils together. Bell shared Leo's sentiment, his eyes filled with gratitude for the friend who had become more like family.
Their bond had evolved beyond mere partnership—it was a connection forged in the fires of adversity, one that had shaped their growth as individuals and as a team. Leo knew that their journey was far from over, and he looked forward to the adventures that lay ahead, hand in hand with his steadfast friend.