Episode 14

I was panting when I finally reached my dorm room and stormed inside. Hot and sweaty and not even spotting the tie that was around the doorknob. For that reason I walked in on Bruce and the same girl who has been dating Brett. Her mouth around Bruce's cock.

"D-Dorrek!?" Bruce was so surprised to see me he literally fell off his bed.

Embarrassed I immediately tried finding the doorknob, fiddling a little as I never saw a guy and girl together so much that it made me freak out. Luckily I did find the doorknob again and I stormed out the room.

I didn't know where to go next. My twin was out there in the forest fighting for his life and he gave me a chance to run. I didn't know what to do next but think of my only option. I needed to find Agreus. I needed to go the frat house.

So I headed down the stairs and out the building. I ran across the terrace and down the road to the Inferno Mansion where all the hot sex demon frat boys lived. I shouldn't go near that place after what happened earlier today but right now I could care less about demon boys and their ruts.

When I got to the frat house I banged my hand fist against the door and then I just barged in. I was out of breath when there was a group in the living room again and all widened their eyes when they saw me.

I didn't even ask them where was Agreus and just ran up the stairs to look for him myself. It was as if he sensed my presence as moments after I reached the top floor, I heard his animalistic growl right before he grabbed me and pinned me to the wall.

I looked at him into his red eyes. His jaws clenched and his muscles rippling as he asked me. "What the hell are you doing here?!"

I panted and breathed again. He furrowed his eyebrows and did start to wondering what was going on. "Eric...They got Eric. You have to help him...please."

"I'm not following Dorrek. Who has Eric?"

"The White Skulls! Please I know you don't like him but he actually helped me get away, so please just hurry and go there before they do something to him!"

I never begged someone for something before but at this moment I was willing to go on my knees for him.

Agreus didn't look angry anymore. His gaze softened and he lightly stroked my cheek before he picked me up and tosses me over his shoulder. He gave no reply but I took it that he at least considered my plea.

He walked with me down the hallway to a bedroom and tossed me on the bed.

"Stay put and don't open the door for anyone other than me." He said before he left and locked the door.


An hour later the door opened and Agreus came inside. He looked me and folded his arms. "I have your brother and he wants to see you."

I was so relieved and felt like hugging Agreus right now. He did frown when I hugged him and then he snatched my chin. "I don't you dare think I am letting you off the hook for disobeying my order! You are going to be punished, I can promise you that!"

"Yes...Daddy..." I whispered with red cheeks.

"Hmm." Agreus released me after having his say and I walked out of there as if he didn't just make me really hard.

Agreus took me with him back to the campus where Eric was inside the medical bay. Along the way he told me his guys all agreed to patrol the forests surrounding the academy and try capture these wizards. He didn't ask why I asked him to save Eric but I had a feeling he had it on his mind.

When we got to the med-bay, the nurse working at the station took his to his room. Eric looked like shit and like they beat him up pretty badly. Next to him was a machine injecting some healing potion into his body.

He turned his head when he saw me and then painfully sat up. "I see you made it back safely." He said.

I shrugged and slid my hands inside my pockets. "I did yes. I asked Agreus to go save you just to repay you for helping me... so we don't owe each other thanks."

He laughed to himself and winced again in pain. "You have a terrible way of showing gratitude..."

I heard Agreus smirking. While he was standing against the wall with folded arms, he was just there listening in on our conversation.

I kept my tone stern and my face straight. Now that Eric was here I could milk him for information finally and I wanted to know everything.

"I take it you have more questions." He said, seeing the look on my face.

I went to sit on the chair beside his bed and folded my arms. "I have all day and so does Agreus. I want to hear everything about these White Skulls. Who the fuck are they?"