Episode 16

An hour went over and we were still inside the janitor's room. I was sitting in the floor with Agreus holding me in his arms. Both of us were quiet but in this moment of silence I had a lot in thought. I was thinking about my life and my childhood and finding out that my parents valued me that they wouldn't even want me to make something out of my life and for once feel special. I hated them even more now.

I looked at Agreus and saw his eyes were closed. I then lifted a hand and ran it across his forehead to push his hair back.

"Penny for your thoughts?" He said and opened his eyes, looking at me.

"I don't know... I was just thinking about everything and how my whole life was just a big fat lie. I don't even know if what Eric said is Greg truth..."

He tilted his head forward to keep his gaze on me. His jaws clenched. "It is the truth. I can tell when a person lies, their aura shifts. But aside from that I can't believe your parents would do that. Do they honestly believe that these people can control the King of lust?"

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, Dorrek. You have no idea how much potential you have. Your parents may have taken away your chance of blooming and thriving but daddy's here boy and he's going to reshape you into the perfect king."

His words made butterflies flutter in my tummy and slowly he came in and gave me a kiss. I moaned and held onto his arm. We should be in Potion class not here fucking, but lately I didn't feel like I wanted to attend any classes. I never needed that class in anyway because I excelled in knowledge around potions. It's why I'm such a master at pranks.

Agreus lifted me up and pulled me on his lap. He groaned against my mouth and all I wanted was to feel his body and touch. If I was king of lust would it explain why I felt so lusted right now? I always thought it was just normal sexual arousal but I grew addicted to it and it gave me energy and fulfilment.

"Have you given thought about my offer?" He asked me. "Are you willing to sign up for a frat house application. Don't you want to be among me and the boys?"

"Mmm," I hummed before I pulled away. I then furrowed my brows. "You know I am surprised by how insistent you are on me going there to be your playboy mansions fucktoy. I thought I was yours."

"Yes you are, boy but it's also my rightful duty to make you happy. And I know for a fact you'd be happy because I saw how you looked at Darius."

"Darius?" I blushed.

"Yes, the one who opened the door for you."

Oh now I remembered him. He was among the guys that got hard when they saw me and wanted to do nothing else other than pounce me.

"I'll teach you everything you need to know. You will thank me when I'm done with you and no one will ever control your life again." He planted one more kiss on my lips. "From now on, you'll be thriving."


Those words were ringing in my head. Agreus wanted me to thrive and when we walked out the janitor's closest hand in hand, I came out with the biggest confidence ignoring the shocking stares thrown at us.

Agreus was so eager to have me signed up into their frat house that he wanted me to go do it right now and apparently he still planned on punishing me for disobeying his order. I asked him what it was about and he only told me it was surprise.

It was weird how he was still mad about that after the passionate sex we had, but sometimes he really was just a difficult guy to understand.

We made it to the reception office where Agreus was the one speaking. "Hey, is Donovan here?"

The lady behind the desk eyed us both, pulling her glasses down. When she it was Agreus standing next to me, she jumped and immediately showed him to the door at the back. "Y-yes, he's here sir!" Her voice sounding like she nervous. And she just called him sir. Weird...

Agreus walked with me to the back door like he owned the place bed even pushed the door open. I was never on this side of the academy before but even I could tell that we were entering the chancellor's office.

The room was filled with shelves and classy designed decor. There was a man behind one of the desks looking young, very much in his twenties but his presence and demeanour gave off a sense of maturity in him.

He looked up when he saw us coming into the room. He looked at me first and frowned and then he looked at Agreus. He smiled happily before standing up. "Agreus, what a wonderful surprise!" And happily he walked to him spreading his arms as if he was looking for a hug.

"Back it off geyser!" Agreus growled and shoved him away as he definitely didn't want a hug. It didn't look like Agreus liked hugs and they actually knew each other. "I just came here to order in a favour. My guy over here wants to transfer from the dormitories to my house."

The man not just looked young but tall and firm built. I didn't miss the blue tail behind his back and the pointy tip at the end made it clear he was an incubus. Agreus did tell me that any incubus could lose their control around me but this guy wasn't even affected.

"And who do we have here?" He asked and looked at me. He then looked at Agreus again and easily connected the dots. "No way! You finally came out the closet!"

"What?!" Agreus said and scoffed. "Matias please just fucking write the letter of approval so we could leave" and I saw a shade of red on his face. The man made him blush.

Agreus was shy for me.

I couldn't help but feel a little jittery about it and so I stepped forth extending a hand out. "My name's Dorrek, sir. It's pleasure to meet you!"

"Pleasure to meet you too Dorrek." Matias shook my hand.

Agreus growled and he pulled me behind him as if he was shielding me from the chancellor. "Don't tell Ishtar about this. She'll get all up in my business."

"Oh I am telling her everything, even right now. And she is on her way!"

"Fuck!" Agreus groaned in frustration before e picked me up and tossed me over my shoulder.

I protested and kicked my feet in the air as I didn't asked to be picked up. "Hey!"

"Let's just get out of here!" He sad with his face still shaded dark red.

He took king strides out the door and then we were gone.