Episode 24

I entered the wardroom after Eric and his fiancé lena. I was staying behind them just in case I had second thoughts, but then I remembered Agreus was standing right outside waiting for me. I can do this.

The first thing I caught was the fresh hospital smell, a smell I never liked. The large fancy bed was standing in the room with my father there. Beside him was my mother, my two uncles, my little brother and sister and another relative who looked like an elder. All turned their heads when they saw me and at that moment all the old memories came flooding back. Maybe it wasn't a good idea coming here.  I didn't think I'd have to stare at the hateful faces of my so called family. I thought my father was alone.

"Welcome back, Eric." My mother gave a heartwarming smile, acting as if I literately didn't exist. As if Eric was the one sent away longer from home than me.

"Thank you, Mother." said Eric before asking. "How is father's condition?"

She beamed and looked at my father. "As you can see he already regained most of his strength and is ready for war!"

"But the doctor said he should stay in bed and rest." My uncle Joshua interjected.

They were talking as if I literally wasn't there. I didn't feel like staying here any longer really so I eventually just made an outburst. "Okay! I don't have time for this! Can somebody tell me why the coven leader in that death bed wants to see me?!"

They all went silent as if my voice was the voice of a ghost. My mother looked at me and I clenched my fists.

"Dorrek..." she said my name before she looked at my father.

My father looked as if he did just notice me and sat up. "Dorrek? Is that you?" Eric and Lena moved aside so he could see me and then he gestured for me to come closer with his hand. "I'm glad you made it."

I did recall the times he called me like that and slapped me. But if anyone of them tried something funny my soulmate outside would kick their asses so I went to him anyway knowing he can't do nothing to me. I was still irritated though.

"You called me here. May I know why exactly I'm here?" I asked him folding my arms again.

He waited till I was on the other side of the bed. And then the unexpected happened.

His one arm came around me and then he suddenly hugged me.

There was no describing in words how I felt but I did start to suddenly feel angry before I shoved him off me, ignoring his painful wincing as I stepped away.

"What the fuck?!" I snapped.

"Dorrek-..." he looked at me, defeated and he looked sad. My father never showed vulnerable emotions because he believed it was a weakness. "I am just happy you're okay-"

"Drop the act!" I cut him off. "If this was why you really called me here, then thank you for wasting my time! I'm leaving here!" I twirled around and walked to the exit.

"Dorrek...wait!" My mother called and reached for me but immediately withdrew her hand when Agreus came storming inside.

Everyone looked at the 7 feet tall demon giant who looked at me with blazing red eyes and then at them. He really did listen in on everything.

"I'm okay." I told him as if I knew what he was thinking. "Can we just leave from here...?"

"Sure..." he said and took my hand before he opened a portal for us to walk through.

"They're coming after you next Dorrek!" Said my father.

Both agreus and I halted. I didn't have much words to say left because this was all very upsetting to me. I was still damaged and broken and they literally just acted as if what they did to me never happened.

"I will protect him!" Agreus said and looked back, his nose flaring. "You've done a terrible job as his parents in anyway. Come near him again and you will have me to worry about. I am Agreus Asmodeus. Son of King Tobit Asmodeus and queen Bonnie Asmodeus. If anyone dares to harm my mate I will slaughter them and their mates, their families and their children. I'll make them bath in the blood of their loved ones and burn them in a bit of hell myself! I can assure you, he is safe and is no longer your concern."

Instead of us walking to the portal, the portal came to us.  It swallowed us both and then we were back at the campus standing inside his bedroom.

I looked at Agreus in disbelief as I never heard someone ever stood for me like that. He was holding my hand and declaring how much my safety meant to him. He truly loved me.

He turned his head to look at me, still angry but his eyes softened when he saw tears in my eyes.

"Why are you crying?!" He asked voice panicking.

"I-It's not sad tears it's happy tears!" I said and laughed quickly erasing the tears from my eyes with my palms. All I wanted in that moment was to show him my own love for him in the only way I knew I could. "Get on the bed, now."

"Excuse me?" He raised an eyebrow after I dared give him an order.

"Just this once please?" I pleaded and batted my eyes. "I want to dress for the occasion."

"What occasion?"

"My punishment of course." I grinned. "Have you already forgotten?"

He widened his eyes and licked his lips, his fangs showing and then he smacked my butt. "Then go change! Now!" He demanded.

Oh what was I going to wear? I know!

I was a prankster, a trickster by heart. I will wear very revealing clothes underneath ones that covered every skin on my body and when Agreus becomes so frustrated he'd rip it off to see what I actually had underneath on. It was time for a little fun!