Kinerik, the world speed, home to the Kinerikan, beings known throughout all the worlds for their incredible speed that was rivaled by no other being in the entirety of all the six worlds but their tremendous speed was both their greatest source of strength and their greatest weakness for the faster they run the more power their bodies generate but if they run too fast they their bodies may generate too much power which they would not be able to contain and lead to the power forcing itself out in the form an intense and colossal explosion, destroying both the Kinerikan and anything around it.
Limiters were given to every child born in Kinerik to help them limit the amount of power they generated because as Kinerikan they were able to generate destructive and highly dangerous amounts of power and energy when they ran, which if not controlled properly could harm both the Kinerikan and destroy anything around them.
The limiters naturally shrunk and their limitations decrease the more the young Kinerikan grew and learnt to master and control their speed but the limiters never shrunk to the point where they would disappear, as no matter how much a Kinerikan can control their speed the limiters would still be necessary as a Kinerikan speed, if left unchecked and without a limiter, was said to be able to generate enough power that could be enough to potential destroy an entire world, this was why every single Kinerikan on Kinerik had a limiter.
Spedori and his elder brother Fastilo raced through the world of Kinerik, running together, in a race to see who was faster.
Fastilo won the race; he had beaten his brother by running around the world of Kinerik and arriving at Savaritarous, the capital city of Kinerik before him.
"I win again brother" said Fastilo.
"That's not fair, you only won because the speed limitation on your limiter were decreased, if mine was decreased like yours I would have won the race for sure" said Spedori pointing at his brother's limiter on his neck which was smaller than his and limited his brother's speed less than his does.
"That's because I've mastered my speed much more than you" said Fastilo.
"It's not fair" said Spedori with a sad and annoyed expression on his face.
"Come on brother, don't be like that. It's not your fault you're slow" said Fastilo, teasing his brother and he ruffled up his hair a little as he spoke.
"Stop that" said Spedori.
"Get faster, and then I'll stop" said Fastilo with a smirk on his face.
"One day, I'll get faster than you brother" said Spedori.
"Can't wait for that day to come but until it does" said Fastilo as he ruffled his brother's hair once more, greatly annoying Spedori.
"You'll always be my slow little brother. Now come on, let's head, mom should be done with breakfast by now" said Fastilo before he sped off with Spedori chasing after him.
The two brothers ran all the way back to their small little home on top of a great hill not too far from the city using their incredible speed.
"Mom we're..." before Spedori could complete his sentence he and his brother were dragged in the dining room by what Spedori could only perceive to be blur as the figure moved to fast for him to see.
Now seated on the dinner table the blur sped past them, arranging the plates and serving the food.
The blur then stopped and sat on the table next to the two boys.
The boys then began to eat the meal served to them.
"How was your early morning run" said Swifa, Spedori and Fastilo's mother who had slowed down after dragging them in and serving them food.
"I lost to Fastilo, as usual" said Spedori with disappointment in himself and his slow speed.
Swifa seeing the disappointed look in Spedori's face looked Fastilo, signaling him to say something to Spedori to raise his spirit.
Fastilo, receiving his mother's signal, then his brother and said, "don't beat you self-up over your speed, they are many people in Kinerik that are just as slow as you".
Fastilo's words might have been spoken with the intent of encouraging and lifting Spedori's spirit but instead of doing so it only increased Spedori's disappointed with himself.
Swifa, seeing that Fastilo's words of encouragement only worsened the state Spedori was in glared at Fastilo causing him to choke slightly as he ate before she turned her attention back to Spedori.
"Your still young Spedori, give yourself time. I'm sure once you're older your control over your speed will increase significantly" said Spedori.
"That's what you said last year and the year before that and the year before that..." Spedori was stopped by Fastilo saying "and the year before that".
Swifa, now annoyed with her son used her speed to take his food while he was still eating.
"But mother I've..." Fastilo was stopped by Swifa saying, "if you have enough strength to say nothing but rubbish, you have enough strength to go without food".
"But mother..." Fastilo was stopped by a powerful glare that sent shivers down his spine.
"On second thought, I'm not that hungry" said Fastilo as with nervous smile, not wanting to further enrage his mother.
Once Swifa had silences her eldest son she turned to Spedori who had his face bowed down out of sadness because of his low level of speed.
She was about to say something to him, to lift his spirit but before she could a blur, moving fast, even for Kinerikan, rushed in to the house and sat on a seat next to her.
"Father" said Fastilo, excitedly recognizing speeding the blur as it stopped next to Swifa.
The blur was a man wearing white armor called Aselaro, Swifa husband and Fastilo and Spedori's father.
"Hello father" said Spedori with a sad look on his face.
Aselero looked at Spedori's limiter and saw that it had not reduced in anyway.
Aselero just sighed before nodding his head with disappointment.
"Still as slow as ever boy" said Aselero.
"ASELERO!!!!" Swifa scolded Aselero for what he said about Spedori.
Aselero just ignored her and continued to talk, "your limiter is more than double the size of mine when I was your age. I can't believe you, my own flesh and blood, failed to control his speed to the point where anyone and I mean anyone in Kinerik can best you at your fastest without even trying".
Spedori upon hearing what his father just said got up, with tears filling his eyes and him desperately trying to hold them back, he then ran, as fast as he possible could, not having any destination in mind, he Just wanted to leave that place as fast as possible
"Are you happy now" said Swifa furious with her husband for saying such harsh words to their son.
Aselero just sighed before turning to Fastilo and said with a stern look on his, "go after your brother and make sure he doesn't anything foolish".
Fastilo, obeying his father rushed out his room, chasing after his brother.
Aselero then took a deep breath before turning to his wife.
"I know you think I hate him because of his low speed but I want you to know I don't. Everything I say may seem bad but I say them because I love him and I want push him to be the best Kinerikan he can be" said Aselero.
"Isn't he perfect just the way he is? Why does it matter? It seems like you care more about his speed and him, your very own son" said Swifa.
"We are Kinerikans, speed is the only thing we respect and honor above all things" said Aselero.
"So, everything including family is supposed to come secondary to our speed" asked Swifa.
Aselero just sighed upon hearing what she said, as he was unable to give her an answer she would be pleased with.
The bracelet on Aselero's arm then began to glow.
He then sighed before saying, "I have to go".
"Then leave, as fast as you can since you are better at doing that than being a father" said Swifa.
Aselero then walked to the door, about to leave but before he did, he turned to look at Swifa and said, "As a Kinerikan you should know that speed is the only thing that truly matters in Kinerik".
"Just leave already" said Swifa not wanting to continue the conversation any further, knowing it would only lead to them fighting.
Aselero just sighed before racing, moving at speeds too fast for the naked eye to comprehend.
Meanwhile, deep within forest of Kinerik, Spedori raced through the grassy forest floor, running as fast as he could but no matter how hard he tried or how hard he pushed himself he could increase this speed and break through the limitation on his limiter.
Spedori, after a while of running aimlessly through the forest, decided to stop near a small river.
There he sat on the forest floor near the river thinking about his speed and how no matter how hard he tried he just wasn't able to push passed the limits set by his limiter.
Spedori then looked at his limiter which he wore on his neck and then began to ponder to himself, asking himself what if he just threw away his limiter, that way his speed would have no limits and he would be just as fast as his brother and father, and maybe his father would not see him as such a disappointment.
Spedori then held on his limiter crystal, wondering why he should just rip it out and throw it in to the river when he heard Fastilo zoom through the forest looking for him.
"There you are, almost thought I lost you there for a sec" said Fastilo as he emerged from the forest and made his way to his brother.
"So Spedo, what's bothering you?" asked Fastilo.
"Stop asking me like you don't know" said Spedori.
Fastilo just sighed before going to his brother and sit down next to him.
"Don't beat yourself up over your speed, things like this take time. Do you know how I got to be as fast as I am right now?" asked Fastilo.
"Let me guess 'your natural skill and talent'" said Spedori while rolling his eyes sarcastically.
"No, well that was part of it but the major contribution to my speed is time and determination. You just have to keep trying, get up every time you fall and continue running" said Fastilo.
"Easy for you to say, you're not the one who constantly have to deal with dad constantly lecturing you over and over again about how he could ten times your speed when he was your age" said Spedori.
"Really?" said Spedori, shocked to hear that his father was just as judgmental on Fastilo about his speed before he was born.
"Yeah, our old man even threatened to disown if I didn't get faster" said Fastilo, remembering those not so fond memories of his past with his father before Spedori was born.
"Wow, and I thought I had it bad" said Spedori.
"Yeah, dad was tough but his tough love was what pushed me to want to try and give it my all until I got faster" said Fastilo.
Spedori couldn't help but smile upon hearing what his brother said, Fastilo might have been annoying and more often than not made matters worse with his big mouth but he had his moments and was the best elder brother Spedori could ask for.
"Thanks, Fasti, you may be a pain at times but every once in a while, you say something that doesn't make me want to drive my face in to a wall" said Spedori.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, what can I say, even I get tired of point out the fact that I'm faster, smart, taller and much more handsome than you" said Fastilo before ruffling up Spedori's hair.
"Now come on, if I don't get you back home safe, mom's gone kill me faster than dad's top speed" said Fastilo.
"Sure, race you" said Spedori before running at supersonic speeds.
"Hey, no fair I wasn't ready" said Fastilo before racing after his little brother.