Divine Intervention

He saw it all; the arrival of the Light Bringers, the way ravaged and destroyed Kinerik in search of the red heart and even saw the world of speed's final moments, when Aselero sacrificed himself and his world to stop the Light Bringers.

He watched Kinerik from the empty black void of space, burn in a brilliant explosion that reduced the world in to scattered bits of rock and stone floating about aimless through empty space.

And even though he had the power to stop the Light Brings, he chose not to do anything.

He was Yaseki Tonju, the god responsible for the creation of the six worlds and he had just witnessed one of his most cherished creations be destroyed.

Yaseki sighed deeply out of sorrow and sadness as he watched one of his six worlds break apart and burn in cataclysmic explosion.

The sight brought great pain to the all-powerful god, so much so that a small tear made its way down from his eyes which changed along with his entire body, from a demonic form to that of man and then an angel.

"I could have saved them; I should have saved them. Maybe I can still…no I made a promise never to intervene in their matters but still" the god spoke with three voice one of a demon, the other of an angel and the last was of a man, contemplating on whether or not he should use his divine just this once, breaking the promise he made eons ago when he first created the six worlds and intervene to save Kinerik.

"Maybe I should" said the god as he extended his hand to burning ball of destruction that was once the world of speed, about to use his divine power to save Kinerik but then something caught his eye.

It resembled to faint ray of light zooming of the world at incredible speeds, moving so fast that for the god to make out what it was he had to stop the flow of time which he did with a simple snap of his fingers.

Time stood still along with everything else and Yaseki made his way to the speeding light ray that caught his eye and upon reaching it the god of the six worlds widened his eyes in shock and amazement, realizing that the ray of light was nothing more than a little boy from the now destroyed world of speed.

"It can't be but yet it is. Out of all creatures that could have survived the utter annihilation of a world, it was only this child" said Yaseki as he came a little bit closer to the child to see clear.

The boy didn't look that old, probably about within age of an eight to nine year ago; he looked tired and was severely wounded but still managed to keep that burning desire to live above all else, something which Yaseki couldn't help but find intriguing.

Yaseki then, with a simple snap of his fingers, unfroze time and then watched as the boy zoomed past him at unbelievable speeds.

Yaseki then followed the boy, curious to know where he would end up.

The boy flew fast, across the vast start littered space, before finally crashing in to one of the six worlds.

Yaseki upon seeing where he ended up couldn't stop himself from chuckling and saying, "So this is where you ended. Fate, you strange thing, I wonder what you have planned for this one".

Yaseki then flew down to the world the boy crashed in to, finding him lying on the ruff sandy deserts of the world.

He heard the boy mutter a few words before finally closing his eyes.

Yaseki then watched the boy with his divine eyes that kept changing from that of a demon to an angel and then an ordinary man, and saw that his soul was about to depart from his body and embrace death.

Yaseki just sighed before landing next to the boy, contemplating about what he should do.

The boy could still be saved as his soul was yet to fully depart from but only if he intervened directly and was something Yaseki was not quite fond of.

Yaseki then thought it was best the boy died after all he was the last of his kind and he world along with his people were gone, thinking it would be cruel and agonizingly painful fate to live as the only one of kind in a foreign world.

Yaseki sighed once more; about to take his leave when he noticed something, the boy, despite everything that had happened was still clinging desperately on to life and even though it seemed like a futile attempt the was unyielding and refused to give up his soul.

Yaseki upon seeing the boy continuing to fight even at the brink of death help but wonder why he was still fighting when he had nothing left, on home, hope or family as they were all destroyed along with his world, so why, why was he still fighting to hold on to his life.

Yaseki then noticed what the boy was holding so firmly and tightly on his hand despite the fact he barely had enough strength to stay alive, the red heart, one of the keys to reawaken the titan of the six worlds, dooming the now remaining five worlds.

Yaseki upon seeing the way the boy was holding on to the stone back even more intrigued with the boy, now curious and wanting to know more about the last live Kinerikan and why he was still desperately clinging on to life and holding what could potentially lead to the destruction of the remaining five worlds.

Yaseki wanting to know more about the child decided to see the child's story for himself, placing his ever-changing hands on the child and then using his divine power to look in to the life the child lived, seeing everything through eyes and feeling everything the child had went through his entire life almost as though it was him it was happening to before finally let go.

Yaseki, after seeing the entirety of the child's life, looked back down at the boy with a smile on his face.

"I created the demons of Haidas, the psychics of Cognis, the warriors of Eretika, the sorcerers of Mystika, the wise men of Genesis and even the speedsters of your now fallen world little Spedori. And in each lived people with extra ordinary skill and abilities, and even at that they existed exceptional people who far surpassed the rest be it in strength, speed, wisdom and power, like Lucifer the Supreme Devil and head prince of Haidas, one of the Coginisive Masters of Cognis, The Mighty King of Eretika, a Head Sorcerer from Mystika, one of the Wise Men from Genesis or even a Hypirex from Kinerik. Exceptions like those are the kind I would have expected to survive a catastrophe as great as the destruction of an entire world. But no, instead of an exception it was you who survived and even though your father was Hypirex, your level of speed isn't noteworthy even when compared to other Kinerikans but yet you were, out of all the billions of Kinerikan on Kinerik, the only one who survived. You are quite an interesting soul" said Yaseki with an amused smile on his.

Yaseki then looked up to the sky and with his divine eyes could see the other four world before sighing deeply as he could sense a great evil lurking somewhere out threatening his worlds and the people within them.

Yaseki then turned back down to the kinerikan boy on the ground before sighing deeply.

"Something is coming; an evil I thought was long gone has once again crept in and threatens the remaining five worlds. He has already taken Kinerik, now only five worlds remain and although I am bound by the promise, I made an eternity ago not to intervene directly in the lives of my creations I can at least provide hope for them" said Yaseki as he turned to Spedori and then stretched out his hand to him before letting his divine power flow out through his hand and heal Spedori, allowing him to continue living.

"I do not know if you will be able or even willing to fight when the time comes. All I can do is hope that when the time comes, you and the others would be willing to band together and fight, for the sake of the remaining five worlds" with those words said Yaseki then brought out a small spark of divinity, knowing that it would be useful to the young Kinerikan in the future.

Yaseki then heard the sound of something headed their way.

Yaseki then looked at the small, frail and seemingly significant little Kinerikan and then smiled, seeing the hope five remaining worlds with him before vanishing in a flash of divine light, leaving the young Kinerikan alone in a foreign world to begin his journey.

Meanwhile, far off, in the dark recesses of space where the world of speed once stood, now reduced to lonely and empty reign of space where only the broken dead pieces of the Kinerik remained floating about aimless, a shadow could be seen racing out of the corpse of the fallen world of speed and in to the vast empty star littered void of space, reaching the very edge of it all, far from the five worlds, at the very edge of all that was.

There stood a massive castle, as big as an entire world, seated on empty space at the very edge of everything.

The shadow then landed in front of the castle gates revealing herself to be, none other than Luminara in her demonic harpy who had managed to survive the destruction of Kinerik by the skin of her teeth, having used her magic to create a mystical barrier herself to shield her from the worst of the explosion but still the planet's destruction did leave its mark on her as she was completely covered, from her head to her toes with wounds and blood over flowing from them.

Luminara slowly made her way towards the castle gates only to be blocked by two guards stood by the castles, clothed in golden armor and a pair of angelic wings attached to their back.

"Please I'm too weak, just let me through. I need to see him" said Luminara, pleading with the guards to let her through the gates.

But the guards, even though they could see her plight and the immense pain she was in still refused to let her through.

Luminara, seeing that the guards would not pass through the gate, she bowed her head down, knowing what she had to do.

And so, summoning all the strength she could muster, she reverted back in to her human form and upon doing so she felt the pain she was barely able to endure increase tenfold with her wounds worsen as well due to the fact that demonic form that her demon form was much more powerful and able to reduce the effects of whatever form of damage or injury she may have undergone during the destruction of Kinerik but now in her human form, she was feeling the full force of the wounds inflicted upon her due to the worlds destruction.

Luminara then fell to her knees and began to puck out blood due to her severe injuries.

The guards, however, remained unfazed even after seeing Luminara vomiting blood but due to the fact that she was no longer in her demonic form they allowed her to enter, opening the gates for her.

Luminara upon seeing that gates were now opened summoned all the she had left to get up and make her through the gates and into the castle.

Once inside the massive castle, limping and dragging her feet on the floor while blood continuously dripped down from the many wounds on her body, Luminara made her way, through the long and seemly endless hallway to a massive throne, the size of a great city and seated on it was an even more massive being with a body made of light, so large that even if a person could with stand the intense light from the being's without going blind they still won't be able to see its face for its height alone towered over the greatest of cities, nations and even mountains across all six worlds.

Once Luminara reached the throne she went down on her knees, in pain and shame.

Tears then began to slow escape out from her eyes and down in to the ground.

"Please if you can oh great Ansaki, for I have failed you. I and the other Light Brings, in your glorious name tried to retrieve the red heart but…".

"You failed as expected" the being spoke with a great voice brim with his divinity.

Luminara upon hearing what the being said closed her eyes with a greater level of shame weighing on her heart before faintly whispering, "yes".

The being upon hearing the Luminara said just sighed, unsurprised by her failure before snapping his finger, healing her instantly.

"I'm healed?" Luminara questioned herself upon seeing that all her wounds were gone and her strength restored.

"Luminara" the being called out to Luminara with his divine voice.

"Y…yes master" Luminara spoke with her voice trembling and shaking out of fear.

"Do you know why you failed your mission" asked the being.

Luminara then thought back to the moments when she and the other Light Brings were busy laying waste on Kinerik as they searched for the red heart before an image of a stubborn Aselero running around through the planet while dragging her body about like a rag doll.

"It's because you are like, a tool that in the right hands can be guided to do in credible things like provide warmth in a cold day, feed a hungry stomach and most importantly provide the light needed to shine a path through the darkness but if left alone to burn it can only consume and destroy," said the being.

Luminara upon hearing what the being said tightened her already shut eyes as a wave of shame, greater than the one she already felt flow through her entire body.

"I knew you were going to fail your mission, in fact that was the whole point of your mission" said the being, shocking Luminara whose eyes opened upon hearing what the being said, forgetting herself and who's presence she was in the moment and raised her head to the being only for her eyes to be stunted by the immensely bright light emanating the being's body.

Luminara upon being stunted by the light from the being's body quickly bowed her head back to the ground.

"You knew I was going fail?" said Luminara.

"Yes, though I didn't expect you to do so as incompetently as you did. Single handed leading some of the finest and most loyal Light Brings from across the six worlds to their death *Sigh* what a waste and I had great plans for each and every one of the too. They like you were an integral part of my plans and the brilliant world I was going to create, filled with light and not the accursed darkness that plagues all six worlds," said the being.

"I'm…sorry master" said Luminara spoke with her head still bowed down in shame a tear fell down from her cries, filled with shame for disappointing master.

The being just sighed before saying, "I still have need for you and it seems as though that you understand you place quite well. I forgive you Luminara but you must remember you are a flame and without a master you will continue to burn everything around you and, eventually, yourself".

Luminara upon hearing what her master said sighed deeply before saying, "I understand master".

"Very well, you may leave. I will instruct you on your next step when the time comes," said the being.

Luminara, upon hearing what her master said, said, "Thank you forgiving, I promise not to fail you a second time".

With that said Luminara vanished in a flash of blinding red light.

Once Luminara was gone the being just took a deep breath before leaving his mighty throne and walk towards the massive window not too far away from his throne.

Gazing through it and seeing all five worlds and the scattered chucks of earth and stone of what remained from the world of speed.

The being then stretched out his hand through the window only for it to be stopped before it could completely make it through by a barrier preventing him from leaving the castle.

The being then noticed faint thin cracks that had formed on the barrier and upon seeing the cracks smiled pleasure.

"Cracks on the barrier? I'm impressed, that demonic half breed is good for something after all" said a voice from behind the being.

The being upon hearing the voice recognized and said, "Michael, you finally decided to reveal yourself".

The man, clothed head to toe with golden armor and a pair of silver wings attached to his back and possessing swords with a blade resembling diamonds, standing behind the being before flying to the being's shoulder with his magnificent silver wings upon hearing the being call for him.

"Sorry father but I just can't stand being near that abomination. I know she is a crucial part of your plan but I just can't stomach being near her" the man said with venom in his mouth as he spoke about Luminara.

"I know. Her blood is tainted and unnatural. As being apart from that accursed and unholy demonic race wasn't bad enough, she is also a hybrid, an unholy fusion between two races" said the being, not hiding his disgust and distain for Luminara as he spoke.

"But at least she was good for something" said Michael staring at the faint cracks in the barrier keeping the being in the castle.

"Yes, the destruction of Kinerik seemed to have weakened the barrier but it's still not enough to free me from this prison," said the being.

"It's a start at least. With the destruction of Kinerik, you're just five worlds away from being free," said Michael.

The being upon hearing what Michael, just sighed deeply as he gazed out, looking at the five remain worlds, yearning for the day when that accursed barrier placed to keep trapped within the four walls of the castle would finally break and he would be free to create a world far better than any of the six worlds, a world perfect in every sense of the word without a single flaw.

"Tell me father. In all honesty, did you really plan for her to fail? I mean you gave have everything she needed, able men and warriors who believed in your cause and were willing to lay down their lives for it, the World Fliers armed with enough arms to take down entire nations" asked Michael.

The being upon hearing what Michael said just smiled before saying, "Tell me Michael, do you know what truly separates a true god from mortal beings".

"Power" said Michael.

"No, power isn't enough to earn the title of a god. Power can be wielded by a fool but a fool is what he will remain to be. No what separated a true god from a mortal is that a god is always in control even when it doesn't seem like," said the being.

"You really did plan for her to fail" said Michael, slightly surprised upon realizing that the being planned for Luminara's failure.

"Yes, if even she had successfully retrieved the red heart the other remaining five worlds would have wasted no time in acting, taking out Luminara and her army of Light Brings. No matter how powerful Luminara maybe, she along with the Light Brings would fall to the full might of the rest of the five worlds," said the being.

"But why though, why go through all this trouble just to make sure she fails" asked Michael.

"Simple, loyalty," said the being.

"But she already adores and worships the ground you walk on," said Michael.

"So did another, he adored and worshiped just like her but he eventually betrayed me. Giving up on my perfect vision of a great world for these broken and flawed ones" the being said as he looked at the five-remaining world with disgust.

"She is a valuable tool, a tool I will use to free myself from this accursed prison and finally take my place as the one true god of all, recreating the broken world in a glorious one, one made by my image and my image alone. But for my dreams to come to reality she has to completely and solely depend on me, fearing to even breathe without my permission. And for that to happen she needed to fail and know that without me there to guide her, she is nothing "said the being looking at the ruins of the world of speed as its broken pieces continued to float about aimlessly through the empty space.

"This was a dangerous game you played father, what if she had actually succeeded or had died during the mission you sent her, wouldn't that put an end to your plan" asked Michael.

The being just smiled upon hearing what Michael said before saying, "No it wouldn't. On the off chance she had actually succeeded I would have had her go directly to Genesis without preparation or a plan of attack to retrieve the other red heart there. And despite the fact that the people of Genesis are the weakest of all the six worlds, there technology would far out class anything I would have provide Luminara with meaning a direct assault on Genesis would ultimately end in her failure and I would never let her die in battle, not while she was still useful to me. If at any point I sensed her life was in danger I would have immediately summoned her".

"You really had everything planned out father so tell me what the destruction of Kinerik part of your plan as well" asked Michael.

"Actually, no. the destruction of the world of speed was something I never foresaw, I would have never imagined a Kinerikan would willingly detonate himself, releasing all his pent-up power and destroying his very own world in the process if I didn't witness it myself. The fact that the half breed actually survived the ordeal and still had the strength to come here is a testament to her strength and why she is way too valuable to as my tool," said the being.

Michael upon hearing what the being said before looking at the cracks on the barriers and smiling before saying, "It might have been unforeseen but the destruction of Kinerik was something that benefited us"

"So, it seems but then again things aren't always as they seem," said the being.

"How so?" asked Michael.

"An entire world is destroyed and that fool who parades himself as a god must have witnessed it as well. He wouldn't be able to ignore something as great as the destruction of an entire would," said the being.

"You think he'll retaliate?" asked Michael.

"No at least not directly. That fool rarely gets involved with the affairs of mortals and only intervenes in the direst of cases such as the great war between the six worlds but his actions are mostly passive, never really involving himself too in the matter. But then again then again, the destruction of an entire world is no small feat, it's hard to say how that fool will react" said the being with a sinister smile on his face.

"So, what are going do if he retaliates?" asked Michael.

"Nothing because there is nothing to do, like I said before, what differentiates a god from other beings is control and I, Ansaki Tonju, the one who was there before the light and everything was, am the one true god and thus everything is under my control. So let that fool retaliate in whatever way he deems fit, it will not change the inevitable. I've already won and soon, just like how the world of speed fell, the world of the mind, strength, hell and his precious Genesis shall fall as well and I shall be free from this prison and create the one true world, perfect in every sense, where I and I alone shall rule as lord over all. This is my decree and it shall come to pass" the being known as Ansaki spoke with a wicked smile on his face.