

Avilena did not at all expect that her fans would come to her. Amirel and Ramies tumbled into her room, laughing and jostling like children.

She looked at them questioningly.

"Why are you together today?"

"We came to say farewell, our fleet is heading home to Xantari," Ramies explained.

"You could have come one by one," she grinned.

They sat down next to her on either side.

"We would like a threesome for the last time."

"A-ah-hah!" Avilena was taken aback, brushing their hands off her. "Won't you feel sick?"

"You'll like it! It's worth a try," Amirel insisted.

"I'm a toy for you, right?"

"Not at all, how could you think so?" Ramies blurted out. "We love you."

"Together? On one? No, you'll get by. Find a guy for this."

"It won't work with a guy! In triple intercourse, the girl is between us..."

"Oh, wow-wow! Gross!" Avilena covered her ears with her hands. "Don't even offer me such game! Otherwise I will complain about you."

"You told you like us!"

"I like you, of course! But separately!"

"Do you want to fly with us?"

They both looked devotedly into her eyes.

"Well, why don't you guys, I can't, the Queen won't allow it," Avilena denied. "Your Palien can't stand me and won't let me on the ship."

"We will steal and hide you. But we have no right to stay - we cannot break the contract."

"Then come back, I'll be waiting for you," the princess reassured them.

She was flattered that the officers were too attached to her.

"Then I won't see my son for fifteen years," Amirel became sad.

"Which son?" asked Avilena.

"Our son!" He took her hand.

"Oh, son! I forgot already!" She joked.

The thought of a possible pregnancy never crossed her mind.

"Only fifteen years - there and back! What nonsense for immortals!" Avilena felt cheerful. "You probably have a son in each colony. One more, one less."

"Not at all!" Amirel denied. "Where did you get the idea?"

"Every colony has princesses, and don't say you didn't communicate with them."

"Indeed, but there are no children from them. Many people can come into contact with the princess, but conception can only occur from one."

"And you always know exactly who the child is from?" Avilena amused herself.

"The crystal in the female womb emits similar vibrations as the father's," Ramies explained. "If you know the child's father, then you will recognize the vibrations of the fetus."

"Vibrations? How do you feel about them?"

"We are telepaths and also recognize each other by incoming waves when we communicate at a distance. You have not yet completely transmuted into our life form, you cannot yet exchange thoughts and feel vibrations, but soon you will grow a special organ for this inside your head," Ramies explained.

"Well, I don't believe that you have no children at all; in eight hundred years, many have been born from mortal women."

"Only your child is important to me. You are a princess and you chose me as the father of our son!" Amirel said tenderly.

"You'll come back in fifteen years, take him with you, teach him everything, I don't know what you teach them," Avilena reassured him.

"He will grow up and won't listen to me," Amirel muttered dissatisfied. "This time Palien himself will raise his children from Queen of Zaria, because they are special, and they also have a winged daughter, this is a very rare phenomenon."

"He has a lot of children, from mortals and princesses," said Ramies. "But he didn't stay anywhere for long and didn't raise his sons. We have little chance of gaining the attention of the royals; Palien is almost always ahead of everyone."

"So are you having a competition?" Avilena chuckled. "Well, what age are you? Come to me, I will give birth to your kids."

The guys looked at her with adoration and rushed to kiss her. "Do you promise to bring baby to me?" Ramies asked pitifully.

She smiled sweetly back at him. "I promise."