Chapter 238: The Little Prince Makes a Mistake _1


The Little Prince clung to Huya, instinctively shrinking back, an aversion clear in his eyes that made Su Qingluo tense.

If she wasn't mistaken, this was the first time the Little Prince had forcefully expressed a desire completely opposite to hers.

The six-year-old had grown up; he no longer relied entirely on his sister and had his own thoughts.

"Xuan'er, it was wrong to bring Huya to class in the first place and even more wrong to disrespect your teacher."

Su Qingluo forcibly suppressed the flash of bitterness in her heart, maintaining a peaceful smile as she communicated with the Little Prince.

"Sister will take Huya back to the Stellar Pavilion, and you will see him at lunch."


The Little Prince was still strongly opposed: "Don't even think about driving Huya away. I won't allow it!"

The firm attitude made Su Qingluo's heart ache, leaving her momentarily at a loss.