Chapter 250: Huya, Let's Go Out and Play_1


Huya also let out excited, weak roars.


Su Qingluo looked at the black bear without much interest, nodding with a smile on her face.

"The black bear isn't a big deal. What matters is defeating the three giant snakes."

Little Kingfisher returned from the forest, landed on the eaves, and groomed her feathers elegantly while making snobbish comments about Wang Meng's martial arts.

"He's only 11 years old. Killing a black bear with his bare hands is quite impressive. At least he's the best among his peers."

Su Qingluo praised Wang Meng, watching him attentively.

As his master, she naturally protected her disciple.

"Huzi, that's great! You have bear paws to eat tonight."

Some villagers couldn't help but tease Su Hu as they gathered around the black bear, laughing and joking.

"It's the 28th day of the twelfth lunar month today, so let's celebrate the New Year early. Everyone, come to my house tonight and we'll have a feast, eating stewed bear meat."