Chapter 433: The Excellent Seedlings of the Lin Clan Army_1

"Join the Lin Clan Army!"

Lin Jinxu was filled with joy, "The Lin Clan Army is lacking such excellent recruits. It's okay if they can't read or write. As long as they can charge ahead in battle, face the enemy without fear, and dare to fight with a knife in hand."

"Hey, hey, Second Brother, why would you say that."

Lin Qingluo frowned, "Don't let them hear this, otherwise they won't focus on their studies. Joining the army requires literacy. Understanding basic military strategies is also necessary."

"My sister is right."

Lin Jinzhou very smoothly nodded in agreement, "If the messenger can't read, they won't understand road signs. How will they deliver letters?"


Lin Qingluo smiled happily.

"Alright, I misspoke. Knowing how to read and write is very important. You must learn."

Lin Jinxu chuckled, looking affectionately at his younger sister, he graciously admitted defeat.