Chapter 627: Trying to Please the Giant Eagle, Acknowledging an Elder Brother_1

"Oh my gosh, that scared the heck out of me."

Shitou patted his chest in shock, taking a deep breath to steady his pounding heart, which only just seemed to have settled back down.

"That Divine Eagle is amazing, so in sync with Master."

Feng Yi couldn't take his eyes off the Divine Eagle, "If there were even a slight distance off, Master might have fallen."

"Even without the Divine Eagle here, Master would be okay."

Coming out of his shock, Wang Meng finally remembered that their junior master could perform Sword Control.

The speed of Sword Flight was no slower than the Divine Eagle and even more elegant and free.

Shitou was full of anticipation, "When will we be able to do like Master, flying across the sky on the Divine Eagle?"

"You can forget about it in this lifetime!"

Wang Meng bluntly crushed Shitou's dreams.

"Hmph, don't look down on people!"

Shitou retorted defiantly, "Maybe one day, I will ride the Divine Eagle high into the sky."