Chapter 964: Duanhui is Unworthy of Being Crown Princess, Heaven Sends Punishment_1

"Think about it, the real ruler of our Fengqi Empire is the Heaven-descended Goddess who possesses the Fire Phoenix. How could the ignorant young girl, Princess Duanhui, lacking a Divine Beast's protection, be named Crown Princess?"

"You mean the prophecy from a thousand years ago?"

"Yes, that prophecy. Duanhui isn't worthy of being the Crown Princess, so the heavens are angry, and they sent punishments in the form of this terrifying earthquake."

"Hush, lower your voice. If the people from the Security Battalion hear you, your life will be over."

"Yeah, who knows what they're looking for, searching house to house. Let's all be careful not to get caught in the crossfire."

"Let's disperse. Don't chat idly, go home and guard your valuables. Don't let those unscrupulous soldiers take them away."

"Right, right, let's go home. Watching over our families and possessions is most important."
