Chapter 1433: Is there such a warm welcome? Cursed the young master to die early? _1

"The wind has stopped, and the sun has come out. This ordeal is finally over."

Wang Zehao and Zhu Ziwen approached with their Sword Control, looking at Qing Yuan with awe.

Yu Ming's emotions were complicated. The superiority of being a Golden Core Stage expert vanished the moment the flute sound began.

Qing Yuan remained calm and gave orders, "Everyone take turns resting on the back of the eagle and continue on our journey. We must reach the island before nightfall."


No one objected, even Yu Ming. They all agreed in unison.


The Black-Scaled Eagle let out a long cry, carrying Pei Qingyu and circling above everyone's heads.

"Let's go, brothers."

Shitou jumped off the eagle's back, rode his sword at high speed, and took the lead.

Having gone through trials, the team members trusted each other more and automatically formed a formation, flying toward their predetermined destination with Sword Control.


Sunset illuminated the horizon with a splendid glow.