Chapter 1632: Giving Birth to a Daughter with an Extraverted Personality, All Elbows Turn Outward_1

"Unfilial daughter!"

Jing Youming was trembling with anger, raising his hand to strike her.

"Father, don't!"

Jing Yao, feeling sorry for her younger sister, hurriedly darted out from behind the Fox King, grabbing his arm with both hands and pulling it back forcefully.

Jing Youming was caught off guard and nearly stumbled and fell due to her sudden tug.

When he recovered his senses, he saw the Eighth Princess hanging on his arm, eyes closed, pretending to be dead, and couldn't help but feel both annoyed and amused.

"Father, fate is predetermined. My younger sister is so stubborn; no one can persuade her otherwise."

Jing Yao raised her eyelids, peeking at the Fox King, seeing that he didn't blame her and secretly rejoicing: "Instead of forcing her and making her suffer from inner demons, why not just grant them their wish? What happens in the future depends on their fate."
