033: Indeed a big spender!

It was only until the luxury car disappeared from view that a young onlooker checked his phone, saying "Do any of you know what brand that car is that just picked up the old lady?"

"No idea."

"It's a Tuatara."


What kind of car is that?

All they knew was that brands like Mercedes, BMW, and Audi were luxury cars.

Could it be that the car that picked up the old lady isn't even a luxury car?

The young man continued: "That Tuatara just now, there's only ten of them in the world. It's worth a 100 million."

A hundred million!

Although they knew the old lady was not an ordinary person, they had no idea that her car was worth a 100 million.

There's no doubt about it - the old lady's status was extraordinary.

If they could curry favor with such a powerful figure, they wouldn't have to work for three generations. The crowd deeply regretted not helping the old lady earlier, especially the young man who first saw her fall.

He squandered potentially immense wealth right there.