091: Domineering brother breaks off relationship directly! _2

However, Trevor Sherman did not admit defeat, he used his own strength to step by step climb up to the highest position in the Su Corporation, finally reclaiming what originally belonged to the Sherman Family.

Due to the hardships he went through, Trevor became reluctant to trust anyone.

He was obstinate, once he had his mind set on something, he would not stop until he ran into a brick wall.


On the other side.

The Thompson Clan.

Viola Thompson was seated in front of her computer, her fingers continuously dancing on the keyboard.

The jade-white fingertips against the black keyboard, the monochrome contrast, was more than a little good looking, it was truly a sight for keyboard lovers.

Dut Dut.

Just then, there was a knock at the door.

"Mantou, go open the door."

Viola's lips parted slightly.

Mantou meowed in response and promptly made its way to the door, jumping onto the doorknob.


The next second, the door was open.