101: Beautiful Woman Captivating the City _4

Sawyer Thompson continued, "Mom, I should go back too."

"You stay," Mrs. Thompson said coldly.

Sawyer had no choice but to stop.

"Go close the door," Mrs. Thompson said next.

Sawyer went and closed the door.

Mrs. Thompson looked at Sawyer, "This can't go on like this!"

"Mom, what do you mean?" Sawyer asked.

Mrs. Thompson frowned, "Don't you see? Sylvia is a troublemaker!"

Sawyer felt that Mrs. Thompson was overreacting, and said, "Mom, ignorance is no crime. Sylvia is still just a child. Please give her a chance."

"Today she dares to purposely put pears in the soup, tomorrow she could poison it!" Mrs. Thompson stood up from her chair, "Find her a match quickly."

It was impossible to drive Sylvia out of the Thompson Clan after all these years.

The best solution now was to marry her off.

If not, she would be a big trouble!

"Mom, Sylvia is still in college." Sawyer was somewhat helpless.