104: The big boss is panicked!_2

He loved his job very much.

Whenever and wherever his work or colleagues needed him, he would never refuse.

Ye Jun looked at the small garden of Thompson's Villa, his face still calm, but his heart was surging with emotions.

Although it was called a small garden, it covered two acres and was full of gardeners trimming plants. In early autumn, red roses were blooming in the wind.

A gentle breeze came, bringing bursts of floral fragrance.

It smelled particularly sweet.

If she could marry into the Thompson Clan, then she would become the mistress of this garden, and everything of Charlie Thompson's would belong to her.

The servants of the Thompson Clan would have to respectfully address her as "Mrs." whenever they saw her.

Thinking of this, Ye Jun's heart raced.

How lucky she must be to have met Charlie Thompson.

She must hold onto Charlie Thompson tightly and not give any woman a chance.