105: The person at the tip of Mr. Terrence's heart_2

Thump, thump, thump.

One after another.

As if it could jump out of the chest at any moment.

If these people were so respectful to her because of Mr. Terrence, then it meant that Mr. Terrence had already taken a liking to her.

Elizabeth Thompson followed Adam with an excited heart.

Adam led her to the VIP room.

"Please have a seat, Miss Thompson."

Elizabeth Thompson sat down gracefully.

Adam smiled and said, "I didn't know Miss Thompson was coming in advance. If there's any negligence, please forgive me."

As he said this, Adam seemed to suddenly remember something and continued, "Miss Thompson, let me introduce myself. I am Adam. If you need anything, just tell me directly."


Elizabeth Thompson nodded lightly, becoming more and more certain of her thoughts.

This must have been arranged by Mr. Terrence.

Adam was doing all of this to please her future wife.