108: Viola Takes Action_2


After replying to the text message, Rachel Barton's mood instantly brightened. She picked up the Mantou that was cast aside and started nibbling on it with gusto.

It was just a tasteless Mantou, but her expression seemed as if she was eating some kind of delicacy.

The Lentz Clan.

Eleanor Armstrong was sitting on the living room couch, knitting a scarf.

Her mood was quite good, even humming a little tune.

Charlotte Young, seeing her like this, was somewhat puzzled. She walked over and sat down beside Eleanor, smiling, "Mom, what happened? You seem so happy."

"Ah? Do I look that happy?" Eleanor looked back at her eldest daughter-in-law.

"Definitely, your mouth is almost stretching to the back of your ears!" Charlotte laughed.

Eleanor hadn't noticed, "Really?"

Charlotte nodded and then asked, "When did you learn how to knit sweaters?"

"I can't knit sweaters. I'm just knitting a scarf." Eleanor replied.

"That's still pretty impressive." Charlotte continued.