129: Mrs. Thompson regains consciousness, paternity test_7

Seeing Mrs. Thompson like this, Elena Williams said, "Mom, is there something you want to say?"

"If there is something you want to say, just blink your eyes."

Mrs. Thompson immediately blinked.

Elena became very excited and continued, "Are you thirsty then?"

Mrs. Thompson tried hard to keep her eyes open.

"Or are you hungry?"

"Do you need to pee?"

"Or maybe you need to poop?"

Mrs. Thompson: "..."

Other than eating, it was all about pooping!

Her second daughter-in-law is really something.

"Mom, what do you want to do then?"

Mrs. Thompson was so anxious that she wanted to say everything at once, but she couldn't utter a single word.

What to do?

At this moment, Mrs. Thompson suddenly found that she seemed to be able to move her left hand a bit. Could she write down what she wanted to say?

When her gaze met Sylvia Thompson's, Mrs. Thompson gave up on this idea.

She couldn't let Sylvia know about this matter.