147: Sylvia Thompson's face turned pale with astonishment! _2

Sylvia Thompson stood by, not saying anything, but in her heart, she thought Cynthia Wilkins was being too shallow.

Setting off beautiful fireworks is equivalent to chasing after girls?


At this moment, footsteps were heard outside the door.

It must be the Tuchman couple.

Sylvia Thompson looked up and sure enough, she saw the housekeeper leading a middle-aged couple over.

Sylvia Thompson had seen the Tuchman couple's information.

She naturally recognized them as the Tuchman couple.

As she expected, Sylvia Thompson's eyes showed a more intense smug expression.

"Miss Thompson!"

Upon seeing Viola Thompson, Ettin Tuchman and Cheryl Forrest were both thrilled.

The couple knelt down on the spot.

To them, Viola Thompson was not just a savior, but something even more than that.

She gave their home hope.

If it weren't for Viola Thompson, the two of them wouldn't have been able to make it through the year.

"Miss Thompson! Thank you!"