162: True Purpose! (Second Update)


Eleanor Armstrong was taken aback, then as if suddenly remembering something, she quickly stood up from her chair. She looked at the girl in front of her, uncertainty brewing in her eyes, "Are you Kayla?"

The Lentz and Sullivan families lived next door to each other.

The two families got along fairly well; although there wasn't much interaction on a regular basis, there also hadn't been any friction over the years.

If either family needed something, a small sound from one side would be sure to be answered with assistance from the other.

After all, the saying goes that close neighbors are better than distant relatives.

Kayla Sullivan went abroad to study at a very young age, and since then she rarely returned home. The last time they saw Kayla was sixteen years ago.

Back then, Kayla was still a child!

Who would have thought so much time had passed in the blink of an eye.