169: Run! Hurry up and run! (Second update)

Rachel stared at her brother-in-law and stood there dumbfounded, unable to react.

Surprisingly, it was Sid Winslet, who got up and greeted Rachel with a smile, "Younger sister."

Sid was sixty-eight this year, his face showing the traces of the passing years.

He was thirteen years older than his father-in-law, Luckwell.

After his wife passed away, leaving no children behind, Sid came out of the coal mines and spent most of his life accumulating a huge fortune that he used to marry his wife.

Marrying her was more like buying.

Thirteen years ago, it would cost an ordinary family 10,000-20,000 yuan to marry a daughter-in-law, but Sid spent almost 100,000 yuan on Dolores Frieman.

If it wasn't for this, Luckwell wouldn't be willing to marry his daughter to him.

Just like the present Rachel.

Seeing that Rachel didn't speak for a long time, Beatrice Black reminded her aloud, "Call him brother-in-law."