175: Don't be afraid, I'll come to take you home_6

During all this, Rachel Barton had been standing behind Viola Thompson.

Then Beatrice Black said, "I'm your mother! The command of parents and the bond of marriage, whoever I tell you to marry, you should marry! I've already received the bride price! If you want to leave, you have to come up with half a million dollars as compensation for Conn!"

"Plus mental damages!" added Dalton Tavas. "Otherwise, you'll never get out of the Mayhew family's gate!"

"1 million dollars! You have to compensate my family for 1 million dollars!"

At that moment.

There was a commotion outside the door.

"The village chief!"

"The village chief is here!"

Hearing this, Dalton Tavas and Zachary Mayhew breathed a sigh of relief.

The village chief's surname was also Mayhew.

He was from the same family.

At this time, the village chief would definitely speak for their family.

The villagers made way for the chief.

"Grandpa Mayhew!"

Zachary Mayhew looked at the village chief.