178: All-round top student, Viola’s counterattack!

Seeing Rachel like this, Delia immediately rushed into the bathroom, "Rachel, are you okay?"

"It's nothing serious, just feeling a bit uncomfortable in my stomach lately." Rachel pressed the flush button on the toilet, washing away the vomit inside.

Delia patted Rachel's back.

Dolores stood outside the bathroom, her eyebrows slightly furrowed.


Could it be that she's pregnant?

She worried a lot.

A moment later, Delia helped Rachel walk out of the bathroom.

Rachel smiled and said, "I'm really fine, you guys don't need to worry."

Viola looked at Rachel, "Rachel, how long have you been like this?"

Rachel thought for a moment, "Probably... about two or three days."

It wasn't just vomiting.

These days, Rachel had a poor appetite and had difficulty sleeping.

Viola stepped in front of Rachel, "I'll take your pulse."

"Okay." Rachel nodded and stretched out her hand.

Viola put her hand on Rachel's wrist.