200: The truth is, it's a fake pregnancy! _7

After Viola returned, she immediately turned on her computer, hacked into the hotel's internal system, and started to investigate the surveillance footage from that night.

The hotel's surveillance system was usually cleaned up every half a month.

It just happened to be after the cleanup period.

The investigation was rather troublesome.

The next day, Viola went to Capital City Hospital and indeed found Pag Gar's surgery record in the hospital's archives.

The chief surgeon personally signed it at the time of the surgery, so there should be no problem.

Afterward, Viola went to the dean's office and requested the duty records of all the doctors on that day.

On this side.

After a night of thinking.

Pag Gar finally replied to Samuel.

The two of them decided to meet at the cafe again.

Pag Gar arrived very punctually today.

She sat directly opposite Samuel.

Samuel got straight to the point, "Pag Gar, have you made up your mind?"

Pag Gar nodded, "I have."