214: Good and Evil Will Eventually Be Rewarded_5

Soon, the two arrived outside the restaurant.

The black Cayenne was parked in the parking space.

A tall figure leaned against the car door; seeing Viola coming, he immediately stood up straight, "Viola."

Viola walked over, "Let's take Mrs. Price to the train station."

"Alright." Terrence Lentz nodded slightly.

Viola then introduced: "Mrs. Price, this is my fiancé, Terrence Lentz."

"Mr. Lentz."

Terrence Lentz nodded slightly, "Please get in the car."

As he spoke, he opened the car door.

Today, Terrence Lentz was the driver; Viola sat in the passenger seat, and Barbara Will sat in the back seat.

The car drove at a moderate speed.

In about forty minutes, they arrived at the train station.

Viola and Terrence Lentz accompanied her inside the station.

"Mrs. Price, have a safe trip."

"Miss Thompson, Mr. Lentz, thank you both." Barbara Will waved to the two, "Miss Thompson, I'll message you when I arrive."

"I'll be waiting for your message."