218: Retribution has arrived, evildoers are ground by evildoers_4

[What Sylvia Thompson? She's called Sophie Cooper now.]

[Sophie Cooper takes over the nest, she won't end well!]

[Hug the princess.]

[That nanny deserves to die too, taking away the princess is one thing, but actually abusing the adopted daughter to death! Such people are disgusting.]

[Don't worry, everyone. The nanny has been sentenced to death.]

[It's really satisfying!]

[The most disgusting people are like Sophie Cooper, knowing full well she is the nanny's daughter, yet acting as if nothing has anything to do with her!]

[TMD! Edward Thompson is such a fool! Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Sophie Cooper is putting on an act.]

[If I were the Thompson parents, I would not only sever ties with Edward Thompson, but also beat this unfilial son to death! It's so infuriating!]


After this video was uploaded, all of Edward Thompson's remaining popularity vanished, and many negative effects surfaced, along with some news about Edward Thompson's arrogant behavior.