226: Sentenced to death!_5

As soon as the words were spoken, thunderous applause erupted at the scene.


Good and evil will always be repaid!

Mrs. Thompson was so excited that she threw away her cane.


She had been waiting for this day.

Mary Perryne's eyes reddened slightly.

After all, Sylvia Thompson was raised by her own hands. She could have had a better future, but alas, her talents were ultimately not used for good.

She ruined herself.

"Silence!" The judge spoke again, and the crowd quieted down. "Now, hear the verdict announcement, court is adjourned, and the defendant Sophie Cooper is taken out of the courtroom!"

Sylvia Thompson was taken out of the court under police custody, one on each side.

She couldn't muster any strength, and her entire body was propped up by the two police officers.

She was very upset.

Death penalty to be executed immediately.

These words occupied her mind.

There wasn't a trace of color on her face, so pale that it was frightening.