238: Extremely regretful, the stupidity is unparalleled.

In Denton's opinion, Viola Thompson didn't have any real talents.

A Sinian.

Even if she could pass the first assessment relying on her cleverness and brute strength, it didn't mean that she could pass the written exams later on.

After all,

The written exams included Morse Code and international-level math Olympiad questions.

These tests were not something that could be passed by using simple cleverness.

Principal Thompson, with his profound thoughts, knew that Denton had always looked down on him, but he didn't stoop to his level. He smiled and said, "What if I say that Viola will definitely pass the later assessments?"

"Principal Thompson, you might be overestimating her," Denton said. "How about we make a bet?"

Yves Dinwoodie nodded, "What's the bet?"

Hearing this, Vice Principal Denton squinted, "How about betting on next year's recommendation quota? If this Sinian can't pass all the assessments smoothly, next year's quota will be decided by me."
