239: Sophie Cooper's final outcome, execution of death penalty (second update)

Mr. Putin was furious.

He never expected Haruna Yukawa to mess things up this badly.

Originally, everyone knew that Haruna Yukawa received a guaranteed admission to Capital University. As long as she chose a reliable teammate for the first assessment, she would become one of the thousands of students at Capital University.

But now...

The guaranteed admission was canceled.

And Haruna Yukawa will miss her opportunity to be elected and become a national joke.

Every year, Capital University has six guaranteed admission students from all over the world. It has been three years since none of the students have had their guarantee canceled. Haruna Yukawa broke the record of the last three years.

If it were an ordinary person, it would be fine.

But Haruna Yukawa is a princess!

Haruna Yukawa lay in bed, her face pale, "How would I know that the Sinian person would be so strong!"

From the beginning till now, Haruna Yukawa could not believe that all of this is true.

She lost!