251: As simple as crushing an ant! _1

That's right.

Nako Garcia indeed plans to sever all business ties between the Will Family and Sawyer Thompson.

As per the data, a majority of the Thompson Clan's funds were obtained from the business deals with the Will Family.

If the business ties between the Will Family and the Thompson Clan were to be severed, the latter would undoubtedly fall from grace, losing their reputation as the most influential family in Capital City.

All of Viola Thompson's current prestige derives from the Thompson Clan.

If the sort of downfall happened to the Thompson Clan.

Viola would go from rags to riches, being completely worthless, maybe even facing expulsion from school.

At that time.

Wouldn't Viola be helpless in her hands?

Upon conceiving this.

A sly grin formed on the corners of Nako Garcia's mouth, satisfaction visible in her eyes.

Viola Thompson wants to compete with her?

She's still too inexperienced.

After all.