257: Abusing Scum, What is Viola Thompson's Identity?! _6

"I've met them," Lisa Donovan nodded, "Their family has been very nice to me."

Lisa Donovan was a local from Capital City, the fact that she was fond of Brian Fitzell was great news for the Fitzell family. They naturally have reasons to be fond of her themselves.

Heidi Wilson continued: "That's even better. This shows that his family already sees you as their future daughter-in-law. If you go to Brian now, I can assure you, he will definitely forgive you!"

Lisa squinted her eyes and kept silent.

Heidi hugged Lisa's arm, "Lisa, I don't have your good luck, or a visionary boyfriend like you. After you return to Thompson Group, remember to find a way to get me in too..."

That was Heidi's real motive.

Otherwise, she wouldn't waste her breath on so many words.

Now, her only option was to return to the Thompson Group.

Otherwise, she would have to accept her fate of working as a small employee in unknown companies.

She wouldn't accept that.

Heidi really couldn't accept this.