258: Good or evil will always be rewarded!_6

James Harper gave a long sigh from behind the door, his internal thoughts revealed by Bonnie's words.

His daughter was right.

If Debby Gamze hadn't shown her true colors, he might never have known the good side of Bernice.

He was a bastard.

He owed Bernice an apology.

She was a good woman.

Bernice continued, "Bing, calm down. Your father isn't as bad as you think. He was just confused back then."

"Ha," Bonnie scoffed, "confused? Confusion leads to abandoning a wife who shared his hardships? That's not confusion. That's ingratitude and inhumanity!"

Just then, James Harper pushed open the door, standing before Bonnie. "Bing."

Bonnie turned her head away, not wanting to spare James Harper even a single look.

James Harper continued, "Bing, you're right. I'm not a man. I owe an apology to both of you. I know I made a mistake."

With that, James Harper knelt down in front of his wife and daughter.

Bonnie didn't react.