270: Waking up Wang Ermie, being PUA_2

Flora Tiarks was very curious, "Do you know who Diana Hershey likes?"

"Hmm, it should be one of her primary school classmates?" Rachel Barton pondered, "I don't know the specifics. I've only heard her mention it once."

The five of them, seemed like a small group.

In reality, this small group was all revolving around Viola Thompson.

Flora Tiarks liked Viola Thompson the most.

So did Diana Hershey and Fiona Knight. Therefore, if Diana Hershey and Fiona Knight had any secrets, they would certainly go to Viola Thompson first.

She seemed like the most redundant one.

Rachel Barton stopped herself from overthinking and, smiling, asked: "So, little Flora, do you have your stuff ready? When do we leave?"

"I've got everything." Flora Tiarks linked arms with Rachel Barton, "Let's go."

The two of them went outside.

The driver was waiting there.

Flora Tiarks, along with Rachel Barton, got into the car and instructed the driver, "Go to the Fragrant Garden Community first."