271: The revelation of Rachel Barton's true nature leads to Delia Frieman's breakdown!_2

Delia Frieman said, "I feel the same way."

Soon, they arrived at the Milk Tea Shop.

Because the tea was quite good, there was a long queue.

Noah Reed turned to look at Viola Thompson and Terrence Lentz, "Miss Thompson, Mr. Lentz, what would you like to drink? I'll get in line."

Terence Lentz said, "I'll join you in the queue."

Noah Reed was taken aback for a moment, then nodded.

The two men went to queue up, while Viola Thompson and Delia Frieman found a place to sit.

Delia Frieman wasn't sure if it was her imagination, but she felt that Viola and Terrence were somehow different from the last time she saw them.

Delia Frieman continued, "Viola, when are you and Mr. Lentz planning to get married?"

"We haven't thought about that yet," answered Viola Dreher.

Delia Frieman smiled, "You're still young, so there's no rush."

Viola Dreher went on, "Ella, is Noah Reed the person you mentioned last time?"

Delia Frieman nodded.