274: Slapped in the face directly, are you very pleased? _6

Scarlett Koerner's statement was filled with profound artistic sense and a strong imagination.

Bread knew nothing before, but after being adopted by Viola Thompson, Bread was suddenly capable of everything. Coupled with the photos of Bread's bone-thin body that Viola had posted, it had triggered wild conjectures among the public.

After posting this on Facebook, Scarlett Koerner curled her lips in a smirk.

She wanted to see how Viola would defend herself next.

After all.

Bread's obedience was a fact.

And those photos were indeed posted by Viola herself.

Even if the current Viola jumped into the Yellow River, she wouldn't be able to clear her name.

Perhaps, she would even get expelled by Capital University.

[Oh my God! This is terrifying! No wonder Bread is so obedient! It turned out it was trained with physical punishment! How pitiful.]

[Say no to animal performance! Say no to animal performance!]